Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4383 No need to worry

Qin Yilang squinted his eyes and walked over.

When Qin Yilang saw clearly what the people were doing, he immediately cursed: "Damn it."

No wonder I didn't even go back. I was eating shrimps and crabs in silence.

Damn it, he and Roger were the only ones who kept it secret for so long.

Qin Yilang felt a little regretful. If he had known about the mutant shrimps and crabs that He Qian and the others caught here, how could he and Roger still be calm? It's a good idea to keep calm. I was blind for two days.

He Qian held his forehead and said, "I thought you could figure it out quickly."

Who would have thought that as smart as Roger, Luo Bi didn't even think about covering up with Roger and Qin Yilang, but he didn't come over to take a look. But the two of them didn't come back to their senses, so who would remind them.

The refining chopsticks are not enough to begin with, and they become even less used when there are more people.

So, while fooling Lan Ze, he hung around in front of Roger and Qin Yilang. After hanging around for several days, Qin Yilang finally arrived, and Roger didn't know.

Roger was the only one left, so he couldn't hide it anymore.

"You, you... you are really good." Qin Yilang pointed to a few people and said the same thing as He Qian.

Everyone laughed, Jiang Yixin stepped aside and gave the refined chopsticks to Qin Yilang: "I'm going to fight."

After covering it up for such a long time, those who finally found out must have suffered a loss. Everyone was willing to give up their positions, including Roger. When Roger came, he would definitely let Roger catch a group of super mutant shrimps and crabs.

"I'm going to watch the fire." Luo Bi said, "Use my chopsticks."

Jiang Yixin didn't want to get out of the way, so she quickly went back after hearing this.

Qin Yilang took the chopsticks handed over by Luo Bi and was confused for a moment. No need to ask, they must have been refined by Luo Bi. Looking at the three major galaxies, he had never seen chopsticks refined.

As for Luo Bi, the refining is not accurate.

Luo Bi looked at the others and said, "Whoever catches them will get them, and we will give them to the combat team members before you come. Hurry up and catch them. I'll watch the fire. You don't need chopsticks when refining. You use them first." "

Qin Yilang raised his eyebrows and responded: "Okay."

Luo Bi was about to leave, and glanced at the waterside at her feet. The river was flowing, and mutant shrimps and crabs from upstream were walking under the water. There were also a certain number of shrimps and crabs on the waterside.

A few of them wandered over to her side. Luo Bi took a look and wanted to catch them very much.

Luo Biduo glanced at Qin Yilang, and with a thought in her heart, she walked up to Wen Xiao next to her, leaned over and took a closer look at the water, "Oh my god," Luo Bi remained calm and glanced at Jiang Yixin on the other side of Wen Xiao. .

Luo Bi wanted to take the chopsticks back, but after much struggle, Luo Bi left.

Back in the refining space, Luo Bi controlled the flames and went back again.

There is no need to worry this time. Qin Yilang didn't catch any of them. He had to leave Qin Yilang time to catch a few more. Considering the relationship between Qin Yilang and Fengling, it's not good to see that Qin Yilang caught too little.

It's only a few dozen meters away, and it only takes a few steps.

When Luo Bi arrived at the river, she didn't ask Qin Yilang for the chopsticks back. She walked up to He Wren, leaned over and stared at He Wren pulling shrimps and crabs, and glanced at the distribution of shrimps and crabs in the water.

There were two fire-type superpowers here. Luo Bi walked south again and watched Jiang Yixin and Wen Xiao working one by one. When she came to Qin Yilang's side, Luo Bi leaned over and took a deep breath.

She won't remind anyone who likes to catch those with supernatural powers.

However, river food with fire powers is rare, and even the Thunder Flame Warriors want it. If they let it go without catching it, they would be like fools.

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