Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4385 Several

Wen Xiao was no longer calm, and Luo Bi glanced at him.

What are you happy about? It's not yours.

Luo Bi threw the crab into the bucket. The little golden ball picked it up and glanced at the river water. Luo Bi stood up, dragged the bucket and continued walking, leaning over and staring at the water carefully as she walked.

Wen Xiao: “·······”

Therefore, this was a gold-type one poached from under his nose.

Wen Xiao lowered his head and stared at the river in front of him. How could he have any attributes? !

No matter what, if you don't catch each one, they will leave quickly. Wen Xiao can only pick one up casually.

Regardless of whether they are with attributes or without attributes, there will be no shop like this after passing this village. If you don’t catch this one, it will go away very quickly. You can’t see the superpowers of shrimps and crabs in the water. Whichever one you catch is a matter of observation. luck.

Luck in the galaxy is something you can't accept even if you don't believe it.

Luo Bi pulled another one, walked up to He Qian and Jiang Yixin, and took a closer look at the water in front of them. Luo Bi saw a few fire-type ones at a glance, and two or three non-attribute ones on the edge.

He Qian and Jiang Yixin were pulling up the two non-attributed ones near the river, so they pulled them up.

Luo Bi's patience was exhausted, and there was no one else with this look. You can't tell the supernatural power from the water, so you just have to find a way. You can't catch one with attributes, but you have to rely on luck. .

He Qian and Jiang Yixin occupied the best position. If they didn't catch those fire-type ones, they would be farther away from the river. They were alive and could move. Even if Luo Bi caught them now, they would still be out of reach.

"You two get out of the way." Luo Bi pointed at a few crabs half a meter away from the water's edge and said, "I want those few."

The Thunder Flame Warrior was easy to talk to, so they all moved out of the way.

Luo Bi stood at the best position for catching shrimps and crabs and stepped on it. The mud on the ground was relatively soft. Luo Bi was a little scared. Jiang Yixin said, "It's okay. I'm next to you and you're dragging me."

"Don't move." Luo Bi didn't forget to drag the bucket over.

Jiang Yixin sat there like a tree stump: "I won't move."

"Take all the trouble." He Qian said from the side: "Which one do you want? It's better for me to catch it for you."

The Thunder Flame Warrior was indeed better at catching than Luo Bi, but Luo Bi was worried. He Gan could still give ordinary shrimps and crabs to her if he caught them. If several of them had fire powers, He Gan would have no idea.

It is better to catch it yourself than to take it from others.

"I'll catch them myself." Luo Bi sighed dejectedly. After catching these few, she still had to look ahead. The few she saw so far were not enough. She remembered that there were more shrimps and crabs than these in the past.

Luo Bi pulled Jiang Yixin and leaned as far as possible toward the water, pulling several of them together.

If you don't pull them together, you will have to wander away from the water's edge.

As long as it is more than half a meter away, it will be out of reach for people on the shore.

Luo Bi counted. There were three fire-type ones in total. Luo Bi didn't want to let go of any of them. Damn, she pulled them all up. During this period, Luo Bi also caught some without attributes. If she caught a basket full of Those with attributes would definitely be beneficial to Fengling.

"You catch them one by one." He Qian looked on anxiously.

Luo Bi thought he was noisy and said to him: "Don't mind me. I can catch as many as I want."

He Qian: “·······”

Are these words spoken by a weak and weak woman? This Luo Bi is not weak at all, okay?

The Thunder Flame Warriors would catch one at a time, and she was too greedy to pick off several at a time.

Wen Xiao came over to help. Each mutant shrimp and crab weighed five kilograms. (End of chapter)

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