Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4404 Don’t call it rare

Luo Bi is so funny. She has been busy all day and doesn’t even know what to say.

Those with ice-type abilities have become commonplace, let alone rare.

General Qi Lan took action, and his style changed.

Compared with the morning, Luo Bi caught ten fewer. This was all the fault of Zhang Wuer and her little sisters. Otherwise, Luo Bi would not have wasted her time in dealing with medicinal plants. Even though she hurriedly and slowly caught them, she still caught fewer.

General Qi Lan was busy with business affairs and returned to Zhihuang Star on the same day.

Luo Bi breathed a sigh of relief and left quickly. Following General Qi Lan was too busy, so it would be easier to catch them one by one. After such busy work, I was very tired at the end of the day, and I caught shrimps and crabs that all had ice powers.

How many people could use this? It's not a big deal.

As a result, the next day, the consul Pei Jing also came to Shuixunxing.

"Whoops." He Qian became more energetic.

Luo Bi: "······"

Wei Yu geared up: "I don't know if this master can mobilize spiritual energy."

Everyone was at a loss, and no one knew anything about it. They all had only a smattering of knowledge about the mystic arts. Luo Bi, who was dangling half a bottle, knew a lot more.

When the consul Pei Jing saw the twinkling eyes, he felt confused and walked to the river to look at the river.

Wei Wei and the others stared eagerly at the water flowing by the river. Luo Bi also grabbed the bucket and stared at the water. The consul Pei Jing was really surprised now, and he also looked at the river water at his feet.

At this glance, Pei Jing's pupils shrank.

"Oh my god." He Qian was pleasantly surprised, and there was something strange in the water.

Wei Ying and He Wren took the chopsticks, and Wei Ying said: "Hurry up."

It was about to be caught with chopsticks, and Luo Bi quickly found a position.

Roger is also here, and Qin Yilang is on the main battlefield.

Roger was excited, made arrangements immediately, and hurriedly took down his chopsticks.

Wei Yuan was anxious: "I don't have chopsticks."

Luo Bi grabbed the bucket and turned to look at Wei Yuan. She had it.

Wei Yuan is from the Zhanjiang family and is Wei Yu's cousin. Wei Yu asked Luo Bi: "Are there any extra chopsticks? My cousin Wei Yuan just came here and he didn't catch a single shrimp or crab."

Luo Bi took out a pair of refined chopsticks and handed them to Wei Yuan: "Here you go."

Wei Yuan was overjoyed, took the forged chopsticks, and turned to look at the consul Pei Jing hesitantly.

Luo Bi hesitated, but still gave Pei Jing a pair of refined chopsticks, and said worriedly: "You must use it carefully and don't break it. There are not many refined chopsticks to begin with."

Pei Jing's forehead jumped. Is he so unreliable? Others were using it well, but it was broken when he used it.

Roger and Wei Yu heard this and looked at Pei Jing suspiciously. There was something in Luo Bi's words!

Pei Jing went to drive away the shrimps and crabs. Luo Bi walked up to Roger and Wei Yu and whispered to them: "He blew up the energy wooden balls and energy gold balls. I'm worried that he will use the refined chopsticks." It’s broken.”

Not to mention, Roger was not at ease after hearing this.

So, when Pei Jing held the chopsticks, everyone was worried about him and looked at him sideways.

Pei Jing's face didn't change and he pretended not to notice. He came here for the mutant shrimp and crab with superpowers. The one with metal superpowers is best. If he doesn't have metal superpowers, he can also have wood superpowers.

Pei Jing is not greedy, but the aura he mobilizes is temperamental. The higher your status, the more dissatisfied the planet's aura will be with you. It's hard to tell whether you want a gold or wood type.

Wen Xiao pulled one up, and the crab condensed the wind blade. Wen Xiao was delighted: "I caught a wind-type creature."

Wei Wei and Luo Jie were jealous. They were curious about the fire-based mutant shrimp and crab.

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