Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4425: This is making money silently

Luo Bi gained the most. She was happy when others were envious of her.

Zhan Yi is so funny.

"Why didn't the Luo family get involved?" Zhan Yi didn't see the Luo family.

Wen Xiao: “·······”

Luo Bi was not favored by the family, and she had no intention of relying on the family. Wen Xiao couldn't tell Zhan Yi about Luo Bi's relationship with the family, so he just said a few perfunctory words, and Zhan Yi didn't care.

Wen Xiao turned around and said to Luo Bi, "You are lucky. I found that the girls in your family are all lucky."

Luo Wan is a prosperous husband, and every family wants to get married. Wen Xiao didn't know Luo Bi before, he only knew that Luo Wan was lucky. In recent years, Wen Xiao observed that the girls in the Luo family may have good luck.

Luo Wan is a prosperous husband who has been approved of life, and Luo Bi wants nothing to do with it from the bottom of her heart: "Don't mention me."

Praising wasn't enough, Wen Xiao didn't mention it anymore, he just chatted.

At this time, among the various legions and families in Shuixun Planet, let alone the second legion and the third legion that found the mineral source, the first legion found the mineral vein, and there were forces that grabbed small mineral sources.

Everyone is applying for planetary management rights, and several legions are operating on the Emperor Star.

The Luo family of the Imperial Star lost the opportunity to mine. Even if Luo Wan said that she had already discovered the mineral source found by the First Legion, so what? General Qi Lan ignored her.

The Luo family has no chance of mining, unless Luo Wan can find another mineral source from Shuixun Star.

However, Luo Wan doesn't have the ability yet.

Luo Huan had no choice but to lead the team and set their sights on collecting supplies on the Xun River. Refining would also help Luo Wan practice and improve her talent level. The tribe still hoped that Luo Wan's talent level would be further improved.

Among the younger generation, Luo Wan and Lan Heng are quite talented, and the elixirs they refine are quite impressive.

Various legions and aristocratic families were also willing to give Lan Heng and Luo Wan several refining materials. They valued them so much that they made many talented consorts jealous. During meals, Hang Heng and the others often mentioned Luo Wan's several refining materials. sharp.

No matter how envious you are, don’t mention it.

Luo Bi didn't care. Wei Yu and Wen Xiao knew it well. Although Luo Bi was just playing around with his talents and didn't care about them, and he didn't compare with the highly talented talents, but when it came to catching shrimps and crabs, Luo Bi didn't care. , even several top-notch talented bonders can't compare with him.

If you don't pay attention to status, from a harvest perspective, the number of shrimps and crabs Luo Bi caught is definitely impressive.

The thing is, no one compares to this.

Talented bonders are no better than catching shrimps and crabs, but Wei Yu and several Thunder Flame warriors know the value of mutant shrimps and crabs. Not only eating them as nutritional energy food, but also selling them, they can earn interstellar coins.

Compared with the prices of several elixirs refined by Luo Wan, Luo Bi made a lot of money.

This is making money silently! The Thunder Flame warriors were convinced.

By November, even Silly Baitian and several talented disciples in Hang Heng knew that Luo Bi had caught a lot of shrimps and crabs. If you ask, you still can't find out. You only know that there are a lot of shrimps and crabs.

Not to mention the depressed mood, especially Zhang Wuer, was confused.

Zhang Wuer was heartbroken and unconvinced, and he and his little sisters were in no mood to talk.

At lunch, Zhang Wuer was at the same table as Yang Yu and Gao Yunlin, the two combat teams, and Gao Yunmeng was also at the same table.

When everyone talked about the gains of Wei Yu and the others, He Kan was a little jealous and it showed in his words.

Zhang Wuer couldn't stand it anymore and said angrily: "Luo Bi has caught so many shrimps and crabs, why didn't you tell me? I kept saying that the Leiyan warriors took her to catch shrimps and crabs, but she can actually catch them by herself."

So, what did she say?

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