Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4431 Everyone ate it

"Don't you like to eat?" Jiang Yixin pointed out: "You only like to eat crab meat, not crab roe or crab paste. You are so pampered. Even a high-level gifted disciple cannot eat it so delicately."

"Who said that?" Qin Cui couldn't help but reply.

Qin Cui counted out which of the gifted bonders were very sophisticated, and looked unconvinced. She did not have the conditions, and the level of the gifted bonder had not been raised yet. If she was a high-level gifted bonder, she would have to be as refined as possible.

"Compared with a high-level gifted master?" Jiang Yixin scorned: "Do you have that ability?"

"I don't have that ability." Qin Cui knew that his talent was average, and it was difficult to raise the level of a bonder. However, Qin Cui persisted and said: "I will definitely become a high-level gifted bonder."

You don’t have the ability but still want to become a high-level talent bonder? Jiang Yixin sneered and lazily continued to quarrel with Qin Cui. This was what she was used to. She was not down-to-earth at all and only thought about unrealistic things.

It doesn't make sense, and it's useless to say more.

Qin Cui was also in a bad mood, everyone was talking about her.

Li Feng's combat power level could not be upgraded. Qin Yilang could not sit idly by and ignore it. He gave up the mutated shrimps and crabs with earth-type abilities that he planned to give to his family, and gave them to Li Feng instead.

In the first combat team, Li Feng has strong genes and is not weak, so he takes care of Li Feng first.

Wen Xiao returned to Chizhu Mountain and sighed. Qin Cui had eaten a small part of the shrimps and crabs before, and lost most of the shrimps and crabs to Li Feng. How could this happen? Wen Xiao also gave Li Feng a few shrimps and crabs.

During the mission, it was their help that Li Feng's combat power level was high.

Fengling was not stingy and gave Li Feng some earth-type shrimps and crabs.

Five pounds each, Fengling picked out five for Li Feng, but more would be useless. Luo Bi had a classmate with earth-type powers, and they might have other uses, so Fengling had to consider it.

Luo Bi watched the sergeant replenishing the shrimps and crabs with water, and Fengling said: "I gave Li Feng five earth-type ones, and I'll keep the rest for you."

Luo Bi thought for a moment. Wu Cheng had earth powers, but she hadn't contacted him for a long time. Luo Bi said, "My classmate's family is well off, so I won't give it to him, lest people say I'm flattering."

Fengling: "······"

Okay, this is estrangement from Wu Cheng again.

"I won't give it away." Luo Bi said greedily, "Our whole family has eaten it."

Feng Ling nodded: "Okay."

Luo Bi's harvest in Shuixunxing this time was not small. She picked them up one by one. Fengling knew how many shrimps and crabs there were. Plus Luo Bi's family, the whole family couldn't finish them in a while.

Wen Yao came to the courtyard, listened to a few words, and then sat on a chair and asked, "Aren't you going to give your family's Thunder Flame Warrior special powers to mutate shrimp and crab?"

The family has Luo Wan and Luo Sha, and Luo Wan is held in high esteem by the clan. Luo Bi immediately said: "Luo Wan, follow. Our family's hunting team should not be short of elixirs. They didn't catch any super mutant shrimps or crabs." ?"

"How can I not catch it?" Wen Yao opened the small optical brain, took a look and said: "The number should be very small. You also saw it. The battlefield by the river was fierce. The Thunder Flame warriors killed the super mutant shrimps and crabs. Before the wood-type thunder flame warriors could use vines to pull the shrimps and crabs back, the shrimps and crabs were washed away. No matter which team it was, the number of shrimps and crabs harvested was not much."

The shrimps and crabs that were killed in the battle may be able to catch a few more shrimps and crabs if the wood type Thunder Flame Warrior is powerful. If not, it would be nice to see a mutant shrimp and crab with special powers at the dinner table.

Thinking of two at a table, that's a luxury and a rarity.

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