Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4443: It’s called a clean one.

Since morning, the abundant supplies in the mountains and forests have been tight.

The hunting of the Thunder Flame Warriors was okay, but the logistics team's collection of supplies was intense, almost like a war. From time to time they would quarrel over resources, and it was not uncommon to get into a fight.

Almost half of the Shuixun planet is in this state. The women dig wild vegetables and protect them closely. The children are smarter when they are young, and they collect no less materials than adults.

Luo Bi got a headache when she saw this kind of gathering of supplies, so she turned around and went elsewhere.

At this time, the child's advantage comes out. Climb high and up the ladder. Since the child is full of energy, there is no place that he can't reach. The child will explore all the rocks and trees.

In this way, the materials are clean.

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi was unhappy. The supplies she had collected since the morning were only a small basket of mushrooms and a basket of wild vegetables. She collected a handful of wild fruits and threw them away. It was not enough to feed the pigs and stuff them between their teeth.

Qin Yilang and Fengling hunted strange beasts, and Luo Bi followed the Thunder Flame warrior.

You guys are so awesome, why don’t I stay away from you? Luo Bi thought there would be more supplies in the next forest, but as a result, a group of people from the logistics team swarmed in and plundered the supplies unceremoniously.

Most of the wild vegetables were dug up, and no one wanted the rest, which were trampled to pieces.

After collecting them, a group of people ran away in a hurry.

Luo Bi wandered around, and several women followed him to look for remaining supplies in the mountains and forests. There were no good ingredients, so they left. Luo Bi felt unhappy, but she couldn't resist others.

Luo Bi looked at the forest that had been collected several times and looked for a tree hole. Well, the tree hole was also empty.

A child chuckled: "The hole in the tree has been hollowed out a long time ago, and there is nothing left."

After the child finished speaking, he ran away with his short legs.

A middle-aged woman asked Luo Bi: "Why don't you follow the logistics team to the other side of the forest? As long as you move quickly, you can still collect a lot of things. There are no supplies here."

Luo Bi smiled: "I won't go, my team is here."

"It's not dangerous to follow the large group."

Luo Bi still said: "I won't go."

The woman didn't try to persuade her any more, and she went with a few other women to dig up a handful of wild vegetables. She didn't know how to snatch things. It could be said that she was still a little unaccustomed to her first mission, but after searching for a long time, she found that there were very few wild vegetables in the mountains and forests. .

Luo Bi didn't want the wild vegetables on the ground, so she wandered off to find the Thunder Flame Warrior.

The hunting team was not far away, and Luo Bi was searching all the way. Damn, there was really nothing left. All the tree holes she had hoped for in the past had been searched. It could be said that this collecting team was too brutal.

Can't find anything? Luo Bi was at a loss. She climbed up the rocks and found a rock to sit down and watch the hunting battlefield from a distance. There were small puddles in the gaps between the rocks and gurgling streams. It was quite fun to pick up a piece of grass and throw it into the water.

On the hunting ground, the exotic beasts are not the kind with good meat. The Thunder Flame warrior does not pick them and uses his sword to unleash his supernatural powers.

While basking in the sun, Luo Bi felt a little sleepy because she had nothing to do.

Hearing a rustling sound in her ears, Luo Bi turned her head and looked over, with a little head sticking out.

Luo Bi: "······"

What kind of animal is this?

The little alien beast was probably not afraid of Luo Bi, and was still a little curious. It ran out from the rocks. The alien beast was fluffy, a bit like a winged rabbit, cute and cute, and it had something shiny on its little paws.

The claws were so sharp, Luo Bi felt a sudden thought, Oh my god.

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