Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4450 This guy is an expert at treasure hunting.

Luo Bi looked at it and got annoyed. If it was an eyesore, she would ask Jiang Yixin and others to destroy it.

Fortunately, this small strange beast didn't stay long. It held the crystal for a while and left. Luo Bi continued to dig for wild vegetables without much pleasure. The logistics team was far away, and no one cared about the three melons and two dates here. .

Luo Bi was digging wild vegetables and thinking about things.

At this moment, the small alien beasts came back, and in front of them ran a nest of round-headed ones. They were so round and chubby that they almost turned into balls. They were clearly a litter of little native pigs.

"Oh my god." Luo Bi panicked.

A litter of little native pigs was driven over, but Luo Bi didn't show any signs of ink this time. She took out a bamboo basket from her storage bracelet and buckled it down without giving the little native pigs a chance to escape.

Luo Bi was pleasantly surprised. She really didn't expect the basket to be so accurate.

I ran away with two, so I don’t want any more.

If Luo Bi dared to catch her, everyone in the logistics team would come running over, and it would be difficult to clean her up.

So, don’t let go of the ones that run away.

Luo Bi leaned over and tried to pull out the little native pig from under the basket. The little native pig whined. Luo Bi was startled and gave up trying and called Jiang Yixin. The Lei Yan warrior easily pulled the little native pig out of the basket. Caught.

Jiang Yixin looked confused and put the little native pigs in the bamboo basket: "Aren't all the little native pigs in the tree holes?"

Luo Bi did not retort: ​​"Ah."

It was in a tree hole. Couldn't she catch the little native pig from the flat ground? !

Jiang Yixin choked, said hello and went to work.

Next, Luo Bi felt that she couldn't go to such trouble. The small alien beast went to find the little native pig's nest, so Luo Bi followed, not far but not near. She wouldn't go if the distance was too far. It was absolutely impossible for the little thing to trick her.

After finding the small native pig's nest, there was no need for small exotic beasts. Luo Bi cut off a small branch and poked it out one by one.

The small alien beast couldn't speak and didn't ask for payment, so Luo Bi took a transformation crystal and gave it a look. After a long day of work, give it this one and don't think about more.

Luo Bi was not far from where Qin Yilang and others were hunting. They could see her from a distance. Qin Yilang and others went to find her without any worries. Everyone was busy with their own business. Wen Xiao and others thought that Luo Bi was not getting together and kept Digging wild vegetables.

In the evening, Luo Bi came back dragging a bunch of small pigs.

This one ran this way, that one ran there, grunting.

Jiang Yixin was dumbfounded. She counted them and found that there were eleven or twelve in the bunch. Each one was round and fat as a ball. They were dragged back by Luo Bi in a bunch. Not to mention how gratifying it was.

"Oh, my mother." Jiang Yixin said, "Where did you catch it from?!"

Luo Bi made a stroke with her hand: "Caught from this area."

"Nonsense." Jiang Yixin didn't believe it.

Li Feng also walked over with a smile, and was extremely jealous when he saw the number of little native pigs.

Wen Xiao said in disbelief: "Didn't those children rob you? Children's collection skills are not weak. There are people from the logistics team competing for supplies. How can you catch so many little pigs?!"

Qin Yilang was also a little confused and couldn't figure out how Luo Bi got the little pig from the collection team.

Wei Wei stepped over and said, "There's a lot of meat. Look at how round each one is."

Everyone gathered around, extremely surprised.

Especially Jiang Yixin, foodies will be jealous and cry.

Wei Yu asked for a change, and Luo Bi said, "We'll talk about it when we get back to the planet."

Wei Yu said "tsk", he didn't know what to give Luo Bi in exchange!


Luo Bi dug it out herself.

Nutritional energy fruit?

Robi can be found too.

Oops, this guy is an expert at treasure hunting. (End of chapter)

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