Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 451 Assignment of tasks among the three families

Feng Ling smiled lightly and said nothing, made lunch and put it on the table for dinner.

During the meal, Luo Bi proposed to go back to her mother's house, she was homesick, Feng Ling nodded: "Take a nap later, I'll take you there."

Luo Bi didn't feel sleepy at all, she was anxious to go back to her mother's house, but when she lay down in the soft quilt, it was so comfortable that she had to lie down even if she didn't sleep. Turning over, rolling around, holding the quilt still, she was sleepy.

Feng Ling smiled and shook her head, tucked in the quilt, and went out to the war department.

Since yesterday, the top ten combat teams in the garrison base have been actively preparing for the battle, preparing to collect supplies outside the safe zone two days later. As soon as Feng Ling reported to Qin Yilang, he left the official duties to Qin Yilang.

Feng Ling was in charge of counting equipment and resources. He estimated that the time was almost up, so he informed Qin Yilang and sent Luo Bi back to her natal home. He still has official duties, so he returned to the garrison base immediately after he was delivered.

Luo Bi happily entered the door, and seeing his father Luo Hang's serious face, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Half a month ago, your grandfather's combat power suddenly showed signs of upgrading. He has been stuck at the beginning level of the second level for many years. It is a good thing to be able to upgrade to the first level now, but upgrading requires a lot of resources." Luo Hang sighed: " Your uncle came here the day before yesterday, discussing how the three families can contribute to your grandfather, and prepare enough resources to help your grandfather upgrade his combat power."

"How do you do it?" Luo Bi sat on the sofa. As a Thunder Flame warrior, it is understandable that his grandfather wanted to upgrade his combat power.

Guan Zhuting went to the kitchen to bring hot milk, Luo Hang said: "Your uncle's family produces energy stones, our family produces energy liquid, and your third uncle's family produces elixir."

Regarding the allocation of resources among the three families, Luo Feifan made the decision after deliberation, and Luo Gang also expressed no objection. As the eldest son, he took the lead in proposing that his family would be responsible for preparing energy stones. Luo Feifan's third son, Luo Yao, heard that his elder brother's family was in charge of preparing the energy stone, so he chose to prepare the elixir, so that the energy liquid could only be prepared by Luo Hang.

It sounds okay for a family to prepare the same resources, but Luo Gang inherited most of the family business. Luo Fang is a third-level Thunder Flame Warrior raised by spending a lot of resources from the Luo family. When Er Luobi's father, Luo Hang, moved out of the main house, he Only a few acres of planted land were allocated.

Under this premise, the allocation of resources and tasks among the three companies is unfair.

But it's hard for an upright official to decide on housework, not to mention, those are old accounts, and it's suspected of shirking responsibility if they are dug out at this time.

Luo Bi stroked his thoughts back and forth, and asked: "There are a lot of resources needed to upgrade the combat power. Even if the three families share it, it is not a small amount. Can father prepare enough energy liquid?"

"It's not like you don't know what's going on in our family. How is it possible?" Luo Hang was worried about this: "I'll prepare five bottles of energy liquid first. If it doesn't work, I'll tell your grandfather that our family doesn't have the ability."

"You go and try it, I see Xuan." Luo Bi's heart was like a mirror, she reminded: "It doesn't matter who those moo beasts and wild boars in the backyard belong to, as long as they are raised in our house and grandfather thinks they belong to us, he Will you believe your words? He doesn't believe it."

Luo Hang was silent in thought, and Luo Bi urged, "Go to the main house now and see what grandfather and uncle have to say."

Luo Hang listened to his daughter the most, so he put on his coat and went out.

"Prepare five bottles of energy liquid, can your grandfather agree?"

Guan Zhuting sat down, worried, this day is getting better, and she has to take out the interstellar coins again. The energy liquid for preparing for the upgrade of combat power is not a small amount. Considering their family's family situation, if they have prepared all the preparations, there may not be a penny of interstellar coins left.

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