Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4528: Can’t grab it even if you try

Lan Qiao's mouth was never idle, she was so enthusiastic.

Liang Yan smiled awkwardly and dealt with Lan Qiao.

Luo Bi was eating melon seeds, and Fan Yao also thought that it would be a waste if she didn't eat them. For someone like Liang Yan who was poor and suddenly rich and didn't take interstellar coins as interstellar coins, Liang Yan probably didn't care if she ate a handful of plant melon seeds that contained nutritional energy.

"The melon seeds in Qi Han's dry goods store are delicious." Fan Yao simply turned around and chatted with Luo Bi.

Luo Bi also ate them and said, "I haven't bought her stuff."

Fan Yao said, "It's too expensive, I won't buy it."

Luo Bi smiled, "I like to eat melon seeds."

Liang Yan heard it, got up and filled another plate of plant melon seeds. She had heard enough of Lan Qiao's nagging. If she didn't help her own family, how could she help others? What's wrong with her helping her family? !

Liang Yan brought another plate of melon seeds, and Luo Bi stopped eating. Her throat was a little uncomfortable.

After playing enough, several people got up and left.

Guan Wei returned home in the evening, but he couldn't find the surviving little partridge chicken. He asked Liang Yan and found out what happened. Guan Wei almost vomited blood in anger. Liang Yan gave one to her mother's family. She really didn't know the value of the little partridge chicken!

How to tell his brother, he had to think again.

Zhang Cheng returned home, Lan Qiao told Zhang Cheng how Liang Yan helped her mother's family. Zhang Cheng was stunned for a moment and told Lan Qiao: "She has a good family background and is generous. You should visit her more often. If you have a good relationship with her, she will give you more nutritious ingredients that she can't finish eating. It's better to give them to others."

Lan Qiao thought: "Really, I will get to know Liang Yan more in the future."

Liang Yan is so bad at living. If she leaks a little, it will be enough for her family to cook a dish.

Lan Qiao was a big mouth, and soon the garrison families knew that Liang Yan was generous and did not know how to live. The garrison families, who were quick-witted, greeted Liang Yan warmly and approached him.

From time to time, people who did not usually interact with him would come to Liang Yan's house to visit.

Eating a handful of melon seeds and a piece of fruit was also a small bargain.

Liang Yan enjoyed it and was happy that his popularity suddenly improved.

Each family raised a small partridge chicken. As the wind and snow became stronger and stronger, the temperature dropped sharply and the north wind blew fiercely. In this way, if there were not enough energy boards, some of the temperatures would not be raised.

Those who were weak when they hatched would be almost broken after a few days. If they died again, it meant that they were not raised well.

Each legion had its own breeder. In winter, they competed for food and medicinal plants to improve combat effectiveness, as well as natural materials and treasures. Some powerful families also participated in it, just to improve combat effectiveness.

Several legions are also planting purple grapes. Planets with a rich foundation are powerful. They have planted purple grape trees in the past. They are several years old. With senior planters, planting is easier.

This kind of fruit tree that is more than one year old is very popular. It is hard to get it on the market.

Some legions have no choice but to plant seeds. They start as soon as winter comes. It is difficult to wait for them to sprout and grow. Just wait. Anyway, it is so anxious that people can't dig fruit trees outside the safe zone.

The next step is to grab the potion for promoting plant growth. Buying a bottle of expensive ones can make people vomit blood.

Roger covered his heart. He was about to vomit blood. The planters in the military finally planted it. He purchased a bunch of purple grape fruit tree seeds, but only dozens of them had a low germination rate.

Dozens are dozens, you grow them. Roger stared at the small fruit seedlings with Tang Shao every day, but they didn't grow.

No seedlings made Roger depressed.

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