Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4537 This child is obsessed with money

The ingredients are so rich that everyone is full of joy even before they eat.

Taking a bite of the braised pork, it is fragrant but not greasy. The braised vegetables are also mixed with the aroma of the braised pork. It tastes great when eating a piece. Wen Xiao wants to laugh as he eats it. This is for pregnant women and children in winter.

No one else has this kind of treatment.

Jiang Yixin and Hua Ran ate without raising their heads. Luo Bi was also busy eating, even saying: "I forgot to wash a few crabs and bought some fish to marinate them. I have never eaten braised crabs."

Jiang Yixin immediately said: "The braised fish doesn't taste good."

Luo Bi turned around: "Have you eaten?"

Jiang Yixin nodded without saying anything: "Just don't marinate it and eat it."

Luo Bi was about to show signs of disobedience. She wanted to give it a try before giving up, but she still suppressed the thought. It wasn't like she liked it very much, she was just curious because she had never tasted it.

Guan Zhuting said while eating, "This braised vegetable is delicious."

Jiang Yixin also enjoyed the delicious food: "It's delicious and not cheap."

Okay, everyone knows that wild boar meat is rare, so don’t say anything. Eat it quickly. There are a lot of ingredients braised, including meat and vegetables. You can eat whatever you want. Oh, by the way, Jiang Yixin remembered it. Tomorrow You can still come and eat.

This job can't be snatched by others. Jiang Yixin doesn't care about going to the edge of the planet at all.

After dinner, Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting cleaned up the dining table and even the kitchen. Luo Bi wandered to the kitchen, thinking that she was not an outsider and would kill a little pig tomorrow.

Luo Bi is stingy, but few can compare to her generosity.

Not counting Liang Qian, that person's brain was stuck in paper and she was not very easy to use. Regardless of whether she was a good friend or not, she was too generous, and people chewed her tongue behind her back.

In the kitchen, Robbie told her parents.

Upon hearing this, Luo Hang said: "Don't follow her example. These days are too late. If you want to play in a circle with others, you can't rely on coaxing with things. How many things can withstand giving."

"I'm not stupid." Luo Bi didn't like to hear it.

If she behaves so stupidly, her parents will criticize her. The problem is that she is stingier than her parents, and she has nothing to do with exchanging things for popularity.

Luo Hang nodded, that's what he said, this kid is obsessed with money.

When it got dark, it started to snow heavily, and the cold wind blew the snow in circles. This wind had been blowing for a while, and thick snow accumulated next to some rocks. In the morning, some snow shoveling robots were busy.

Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin also wanted to go to the Ice and Snow City Wall. After eating and drinking a bowl of tea, they got up and left.

Luo Hang's family also wanted to go back. Guan Zhuting opened her mouth and said, "I'll bring some mutant vegetables."

The stepmother is not a relative after all. Guan Zhuting is usually too embarrassed to open her mouth to ask for something, but mutated food is different. The food she grew up with is not worth a few interstellar coins, so she can get it even if she wants a handful.

Luo Bi waved her hand: "Take the bag and pack it."

Of course, there was no need for Guan Zhuting to take action when Hua Ran was there. Hua Ran took the bag and went to the planting field. Guan Zhuting and Luo Bi followed. The Thunder Flame warriors were not careful and they were worried that Hua Ran would not be picky.

Luo Bi walked and said, "Pick the tender ones, and I'll feed the rest to the partridges as well."

Guan Zhuting then remembered that her partridges ate plant seeds, and she said, "I will also take some back to feed the partridges."

Luo Bi generously said: "Pack two bags."

Following Luo Bi's words, Hua Ran packed two bags of mutated vegetables. Luo Bi directed Luo Hang to fish out more than ten kilograms of braised pork. No one gave the braised vegetables to anyone. Luo Bi kept it for herself, which she loved to eat.

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