Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4552: All the refined things are stingy

Luo Jie was suspicious, so he took one out of the furnace, took a look and then lost interest.

Wen Xiao knew what was going on, but Fan Yao was still curious: "What is it?"

What do you mean, look at it yourself? Luo Bi had nothing to say.

The child Qi Yan also curiously poked his head out from the side. What a cute little bamboo basket. The child's eyes lit up immediately. Children all like cute things, and Qi Yan is no exception.

But aren't all the spiritual medicines and equipment refined by the gifted contract masters? Is this a small bamboo basket? The child leaned forward again, worried that he had seen it wrong. When he looked closer, it was also a small bamboo basket, and it was a very nice one.

The child liked it but was puzzled, and frowned.

"Little bamboo basket?" After Fan Yao saw it clearly, he was surprised: "It's pretty good."

After saying that, Fan Yao couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh. She was not making fun of Luo Bi, but she felt it was interesting from the bottom of her heart. Luo Bi's refining was quite interesting. Either the furnace exploded, or a furnace of small gadgets was refined.

Fan Yao's cousin Fan Yan has a high talent, but she can't refine a small bamboo basket, and it's still so beautiful.

Fan Yao liked it at first sight, and the child Qi Yan also liked it. The mother and the mother got closer and closer. Luo Bi quickly took a few small bamboo baskets, left the refining space, and put them on the table on the balcony.

"How can you refine it so well?!" It was the first time that Fan Yao saw someone refine such a small thing. She liked it from the bottom of her heart and didn't know what to say. She looked at it happily again and again.

The child Qi Yan also took one and was full of love.

Fan Yao pushed Qi Yan: "Go to Aunt Liang Yan's house and call your aunts. Such a cute little bamboo basket, they will definitely like it. Go and tell them."

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Jie and Wen Xiao were so jealous. Women and children like it, but the Thunder Flame Warrior can't use it. It's just a small thing, just playing with it. Luo Bi's refining is not light.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Jie and Wen Xiao went to the planting field.

Soon Liang Yan and Lan Qiao and several other women came. Tong Shanshan and others came to Luo Bi's house for the first time. When they entered the door, they felt the warmth and were jealous.

They were jealous in their hearts, but they couldn't say it. They pulled their lips and acted politely.

After seeing the small bamboo basket, the depression disappeared immediately. Liang Yan ran over with surprise, took a small bamboo basket from the table and said, "What a cute little bamboo basket."

A group of women loved it and chattered.

Tong Shanshan held the small bamboo basket, looked at this one, and then looked at that one. They were all the same, but she liked all of them: "Where did you buy it from? I want a small bamboo basket too."

Luo Bi didn't respond, and didn't open her mouth to ask for it. This person is okay.

There are people like Tong Shanshan, and there are also those who don't know how to negotiate. Feng Zihui still knows how to negotiate. She took a small bamboo basket and said, "Luo Bi, you have so many small bamboo baskets, can you give me a few?"

She asked for several as soon as she opened her mouth, not just one.

Luo Jie came back from the planting field after taking a look at the purple grape trees. He raised his eyebrows when he heard several women asking for a small bamboo basket. Luo Bi was stingy with things she refined and was unlikely to give it to others.

Luo Bi really pretended not to hear, so Fan Yao whispered to everyone: "This was refined by Luo Bi."

"Refined?" Tong Shanshan was stunned, and then covered her mouth and burst into laughter: "She really knows how to refine. This is a child's toy. What's the use of refining it? Throw it to the children to play with?"

Tong Shanshan spoke loudly, and Luo Bi was angry when she heard it.

Okay, Luo Bi didn't want to give the small bamboo basket to others. Since Tong Shanshan laughed at her for refining, she would give it away.

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