Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4558: Setting up the furnace

As soon as Bai Yan and Feng Ling arrived, the Wu family's spaceship also arrived.

Wu Cheng jumped down from the spaceship, made a snow pit, turned around and looked, and shouted: "Luo Bi."

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi pulled the animal skin from Feng Ling's arms: "Why are you here?!"

"To set up the formation." Wu Cheng ran over and said.

Wu Cheng also went to Zhixing to set up the formation last time, and Luo Bi had forgotten it.

Wu Cheng brought a team of guards and came to greet Feng Ling. He was familiar with Feng Ling and Bai Yan, and they talked to each other. Wu Cheng was not idle either, and talked about planting furnace tripods.

"If we succeed in blowing up the furnace, we don't need to buy it from the Star Network." Wu Cheng looked around: "Where do we set up the formation? We have to find an open place, right? My family also brought a furnace tripod."

Luo Bi leaned out of Feng Ling's arms and observed the current situation of Zhixing. All he could see was snow.

The trees are sparse, and the area is mostly sand and gravel, which is quite desolate. In winter, the snow covers the small plants. At this time, it is bare. If it is summer, it would be dusty.

Bai Yan, Wei Yu and Jiang Yixin went to find an open place suitable for setting up the formation. Luo Bi drank a few mouthfuls of cold wind and choked and couldn't speak: "Bai Yan understands. He said where to blow up the furnace, so we will blow up the furnace there."

Not long after Bai Yan and his friends left, they found an open place not far away. The area was vast and it could be said that it was too empty. You could see the open space when standing at the ship parking area.

After a tour, Bai Yan decided to set up the furnace here.

"How to set it up?" Bai Yan asked Luo Bi.

Luo Bi immediately looked at Feng Ling and Wen Yao: "Do you remember how to set up the furnace at the beginning?"

Wen Yao: "······"

Roger's expression was hard to describe. He had set up the formation several times, but he forgot it.

This memory is not old.

Bai Yan was messy in the wind and looked at Feng Ling.

Feng Ling chuckled and asked Wen Yao, He Yun and others to find a place to place the furnace tripods.

Roger asked Bai Yan: "How many furnace tripods should be placed?"

Bai Yan hesitated, unsure: "Put a hundred furnace tripods first."

Roger knew that Bai Yan was not sure. The furnace tripods were expensive, and the cheapest ones were not cheap. Roger felt that a hundred furnace tripods were too many. After a little thought, he reduced the number by half.

"Fifty," Roger said.

"Okay." Bai Yan agreed.

Roger opened the storage ring and took out fifty furnace tripods. Archon Pei Jing sneered: "I also brought a furnace tripod. Fifty is too few. It can't be too few for one explosion."

Roger smiled and said: "How about, use your furnace tripod first, and I'll put the furnace tripod away."

Archon Pei Jing laughed, making it clear that he would not try first.

On the empty snow, the Thunder Flame Warriors found a place to place the furnace tripods.

Luo Bi looked at the furnace tripods in Feng Ling's arms, and her eyes were completely dark. She had forgotten how to place the furnace tripods, so she didn't say anything. Wen Xiao and others moved the furnace tripods aside.

Wen Xiao put them in place and asked Luo Bi: "Is it okay to put them like this?"

Luo Bi didn't know anything: "Don't ask me, I forgot, just do what Bai Yan said."

Wu Cheng was surprised: "Why is your memory so bad?"

Luo Bi ignored him, and Wen Xiao completely ignored Luo Bi. He had hoped that this half-baked guy would give him some pointers, but it turned out that he was not as good as the Thunder Flame Warrior.

Bai Yan didn't rely on Luo Bi anymore, and did it according to the formation.

Just put a furnace tripod, fifty, not hundreds, and it was not finished until noon.

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