Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4565 Energy Board

Wu Cheng hugged Wen Yushi, trembling, but could not hide his joy: "If the two teams join forces, this blazing beast may be killed, so we can also gain something."

Wen Xiao also thought of it, with a smile on his face.

Luo Bi asked what she was most concerned about: "Are there any Thunder Flame Warriors injured?"

Li Feng washed his hands, took over the barbecue work, and said easily: "I went to the battlefield to see that the injuries were not serious. Taking hemostatic powder will not hinder the continued combat, and the overall combat power will not be weakened."

Knowing that the battle situation is favorable to their team, everyone got busy and grilled the remaining beast meat. The cold ones were put back on the grill. Li Feng took winter bamboo shoots and green peppers and fried two dishes for Luo Bi.

The military prepared two boxes of vegetables, all of which are nutritious and energy ingredients.

The second-level vegetables in the low-level are also considered attentive, that is, the Thunder Flame Warrior has zero affinity. As long as the vegetables are not grown by planting robots, the high-nutrition energy ones are generally grown by planters.

The output of vegetables in summer is limited, let alone in winter.

Therefore, the two boxes of vegetables are actually not many.

For example, there were only two winter bamboo shoots, each the size of a palm, enough to stir-fry one dish, and they took up quite a lot of space in the carton. At first glance, it looked like a box of vegetables, but in fact, there wasn't much.

Even though Luo Bi had no talent, Li Feng didn't dare to underestimate her when she was needed by the military.

After all the ingredients were prepared, they also boiled a pot of medicinal soup with half pepper and half ginseng grass, and then they just waited. Wu Cheng jumped off the spaceship from time to time and ran out to a short distance in the snow to meet the team.

Luo Bi was wearing a cloak and stood at the door of the spaceship.

Only she and Wu Cheng were impatient and unstable, while Wen Xiao and Li Feng were much calmer.

Wu Cheng returned the warm jade stone to Luo Bi. At this time, Luo Bi was holding the warm jade stone. Wu Cheng ran back: "Not back yet."

Li Feng got off the spaceship: "Let's go and take a look."

Luo Bi immediately handed the warm jade stone out. Wu Cheng shook his head: "No, I can't protect your warm jade stone if I encounter a strange beast."

In the future interstellar era, strange beasts also like good things or natural treasures. It is inconvenient for Wu Cheng to fight with a top-grade warm jade stone.

Luo Bi took the warm jade stone back and watched Li Feng and Wu Cheng leave with Wen Xiao.

The two went away for a while and came back happily.

Wu Cheng said happily: "The Thunder Flame Warriors killed the Fiery Beast and are busy prying off the scales. Wen Xiao, you roast the barbecue again, I'll go to see the scales."

The terrain of the ship parking place is relatively high, and the light of the whole planet is better due to snow. There is no need to run to the battlefield. Standing at the ship parking place, you can see a little bit with the help of the white obsidian.

Luo Bi became interested and jumped off the spaceship: "I'll go too."

Okay, Wen Xiao also got off the spaceship and helped Luo Bi walk towards the edge of the rocky mountain. After walking for a while, they stood on the edge. The wind was strong here. Looking from afar, the obsidian on the battlefield was very bright.

The Thunder Flame Warriors were busy prying scales. The night of the Blazing Star was full of dangers, and there were little fox beasts and little pig beasts. It was unknown what tribes the other beasts belonged to.

So, they had to harvest the valuable things as soon as possible.

Everywhere, there were howlings of beasts from time to time. The Thunder Flame Warriors could not have fur or crystals, but the energy plates had to be dug down. Energy plates were in short supply in winter.

If they didn't dig them down, it would be a pity.

The Blazing Beast was large in size and had large scales, so it was not easy to dig them down.

Before half a piece was dug down, the little fox beast came to grab it.

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