Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4567: Not Going Back

The ingredients were ready, and the Thunder Flame Warriors went to eat.

Feng Ling asked Luo Bi: "Have you eaten?"

Luo Bi nodded: "Yes."

Feng Ling sent Luo Bi to sleep. Luo Bi would have been asleep at this time in the past.

Luo Bi was indeed sleepy, her eyes were tired and dry. If she didn't sleep, her eyes would be tired and uncomfortable tomorrow. Feng Ling moved the Fiery Bamboo Tree to the bedroom, and Luo Bi pulled the quilt and lay down.

"You go and get busy." Luo Bi said, she didn't want to make trouble for Feng Ling.

Feng Ling kissed the corner of Luo Bi's mouth, stepped out of the bedroom, and closed the door.

After the Thunder Flame Warriors had dinner, they discussed and decided not to go back. The refining was interrupted and the planting furnace had not been made. Bai Yan was not satisfied with going back without gaining anything.

Feng Ling and Archon Pei Jing nodded in agreement, and then a group of senior officers studied the refining.

Archon Pei Jing also consulted a familiar senior talent refining master. That night, the wind was strong and the snow was heavy. The temperature of the planet dropped sharply, and the howling cold swept the snow everywhere.

After a night of snowfall, the doors of the spaceship were blocked.

Li Feng and Jiang Yixin got off the spaceship to clear the snow, and the other two spaceships were also busy.

After breakfast, everyone set out to the location of the furnace tripod. Feng Ling held Luo Bi, and Feng Zixun next to him took a glance. The furnace tripod was all set, and Bai Yan directed to set it up.

The spiritual plants here were also processed, and they were placed in the furnace tripod one by one.

It was not easy for the Thunder Flame Warriors to set up the formation. There must be a Thunder Flame Warrior to lead the team to defend against the monsters. He Yun and Wu Shao did not participate in the refining. Wen Xiao, Li Feng, Wu Cheng, and the guards were waiting for dispatch.

Among them, only He Yun and Wu Shao had the highest combat power. Li Feng's combat power showed signs of breakthrough, but it just didn't improve.

Bai Yan made a handkerchief ball, Feng Ling put Luo Bi down, gave some instructions, and went to participate in the refining.

Wen Yao took a bottle of energy liquid, held the sword and shot a fireball from the handkerchief ball. Qin Yilang and Luo Jie also shot a fireball, one furnace and one fireball, and started to refine.

Luo Bi counted them and felt that there were quite a lot of furnaces and tripods. She couldn't count them all, so she asked Wu Cheng, who knew everything: "How many furnaces and tripods are there? Why do I think there are more than yesterday?"

"Three hundred furnaces and tripods." Wu Cheng said.

Luo Bi silently counted. At the beginning of yesterday, there were fifty, and they were not broken. Counting the second refining, plus these three hundred, there are four hundred and fifty, which is amazing, and really generous.

He Yun and Wu Shao led the team to defend, and Luo Bi walked over on the snow.

Wu Cheng followed: "What are you doing?"

Wu Cheng is a small thunder and flame warrior, and Luo Bi has no fighting power, so they are together.

He Yun turned around and said to Luo Bi: "You go to the spaceship with Wen Xiao and Wu Cheng."

The furnaces and cauldrons are all set up. Now that we are refining, Luo Bi is not needed. Luo Bi is also not needed for defense here. Women cannot stand the cold, so why let Luo Bi suffer the cold? He Yun also has to take care of Luo Bi because of Feng Ling.

Luo Bi didn't want to suffer the cold, but she had something to ask.

Luo Bi didn't understand, so she asked: "There are so many furnaces and cauldrons set up today. I'm afraid the refining time will be a little long. What if the blazing beast is attracted again? Without Wei Wu and Jiang Yixin, we will be even more unable to fight."

He Yun: "······"

"You don't encounter blazing beasts every time you refine." He Yun sent Luo Bi away quickly: "It's warm on the spaceship, you go on the spaceship, there are not so many blazing beasts here."

The blazing beast is alive, there are not so many, it can walk over here by its breath.

This made things worse, Luo Bi said: "I'll go back to the spaceship later."

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