Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4570: Angry

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Bi was really angry this time. You can't just pull the hair of a team!

Wen Xiao got off the spaceship at some point, squinting at the battlefield and said: "There are many level 2 monsters. He Yun and Wu Shao don't have level 2 monsters. Even if they take energy liquid, they can't beat more than 20 monsters."

Wu Cheng was stunned and turned his head and said: "Doesn't that mean we have to interrupt the refining again?"

Wen Xiao didn't say anything. Undeveloped planets in winter are full of dangers. As long as one group of monsters comes, there will be more monsters behind. The refining furnace will explode. It seems that the refining can't continue.

Wu Cheng took a look and sighed sadly: "There are hundreds of furnaces and refining materials, all of which are interstellar coins."

Wu Cheng felt distressed. Luo Bi was very depressed and anxious. He called Wu Cheng and Wen Xiao and said: "Let's go to the battlefield and try my small bamboo basket. It can't be used as a decoration after refining."

At this time, Luo Bi didn't have much confidence. After all, he didn't understand how to use the small bamboo basket.

Wen Xiao thought, it would be good to practice with the ready-made beasts. There are more than 20 beasts. With him and Wu Cheng protecting Luo Bi, it would be good to pick one to try. If it doesn't work, the small bamboo basket will really become a decoration.

"Okay." Wen Xiao agreed.

It was snowing lightly at this time, and Luo Bi was still a little nervous. She returned to the spaceship and took the two small bamboo baskets that had been imported with supernatural powers. Wu Cheng wore thicker clothes, and the two followed Wen Xiao down the rocky mountain.

Luo Bi slipped again with every step, and was so scared that she grabbed Wu Cheng, and Wen Xiao lent a hand.

After walking for more than 20 minutes, several people came to the refining place. Feng Ling frowned when he saw Luo Bi going over, but didn't say anything. Feng Zixun smiled.

This woman is interesting. She didn't stay on the spaceship, but had to get off the spaceship to freeze.

Bypassing the refining team, Luo Bi, Wen Xiao, and Wu Cheng came to the defense battlefield. When they got there, the splashing snow was like snowing, and the snow on the ground was stepped on firmly.

Luo Bi took the opportunity to count. There were twenty-two beasts, level two. If she was not mistaken, there were sixteen. The combat power of He Yun and Wu Shao was not even level two now, let alone the Thunder Flame Warriors of the Guard.

So, in the end, they could not win and the refining had to be interrupted.

Several guards were injured. They sprinkled a bottle of spiritual medicine and continued to join the battle circle. The beasts were particularly manic in winter, and their combat power was also stronger because of winter, so they attacked very fiercely.

Luo Bi quickly stuffed a small bamboo basket into Wen Xiao and Wu Cheng: "Try to import superpowers."

Wen Xiao's small bamboo basket was water-based, and Wu Cheng's was wood-based.

The Thunder Flame Warrior took it and chose a safe place at the edge of the battle circle. Wen Xiao and Wu Cheng took the energy liquid, threw up the small bamboo basket, and held the sword to import superpowers. Most array devices were used in this way, and they could not think of any other way.

Luo Bi studied the small bamboo baskets for importing superpowers. One was a small bamboo basket with a small fireball pattern, and the other was a small waterball pattern. They rolled and ran back, and importing superpowers did not work.

At this time, Wen Xiao's small bamboo basket imported superpowers, and a small water ball condensed out of it. Small water drops hung on the tassel string. Wen Xiao was confused, picked a strange beast, and swung his sword to attack.

The small bamboo basket did not move at all, and the tassel string shook.

Wen Xiao: "······"

Wu Cheng was also a little confused. The superpower he sent out was absorbed by the small bamboo basket. Wu Cheng was delighted and immediately commanded the small bamboo basket to attack the strange beast. The small bamboo basket didn't know how it happened, and it fell to the ground.

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