Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4575 This is too good

Luo Bi didn't dare to delay and ran to the refining team on the snow.

Several refining Thunder Flame Warriors looked over and thought Luo Bi was looking for Feng Ling, but she ran towards Archon Pei Jing. Bai Yan stared at the formation and only glanced at her.

Luo Bi ran to the Archon, but Pei Jing's expression did not move. Luo Bi was not familiar with him. He took a bottle of energy liquid and a small bamboo basket and asked, "Do you have time to introduce superpowers to the small bamboo basket?"

Pei Jing glanced at the energy liquid and the small bamboo basket, nodded in response, and said nothing more.

Luo Bi gave the energy liquid and the small bamboo basket to Archon Pei Jing. Pei Jing was participating in the refining and couldn't be distracted for a long time. He took a bottle of energy liquid and held the sword to introduce superpowers to the small bamboo basket.

There was no problem with this operation. Wei Yu, Zhan Di and Bai Yan beside him glanced at it and said nothing.

Feng Ling and Luo Jie were far away. Look at how regular this operation was. As a result, the small bamboo basket refined by Luo Bi wanted to run away after getting energy. It flew half a meter away. Luo Bi hurriedly called it back.

Luo Bi gestured and covered it with his hand: "It's OK this big, no need to compare."

The expressions of the Thunder Flame Warriors froze. What is this talking about? It doesn't matter if the Thunder Flame Warriors don't understand. The little bamboo basket understands, so it won't run away. It has energy, and it's still very powerful energy.

The little bamboo basket returned, still the size of a palm, and Luo Bi gestured it to be this big.

This is too good. Luo Bi was delighted. He looked at the snow on the ground. There was clean snow. Luo Bi found the snow and said to Wei Yu: "Can you boil water for the little bamboo basket later?"

Several Thunder Flame Warriors: "······"

Consul Pei Jing lowered his eyes. He had seen many array weapons, and they were generally very simple attacks. Pei Jing really felt that Luo Bi's operation was redundant, but he didn't want to care.

As long as Wei Yu agreed, it was none of his business.

Wei Yu didn't say no, and asked: "How to boil water?"

Luo Bi didn't say anything, took the little bamboo basket with energy, squatted down and grabbed the snow.

Wei Yu and others: "······???????"

Luo Bi didn't say much, filled the small bamboo basket with snow, and handed it to Wei Yu: "You just make a powerful fireball and boil the water. If you can deal with the little fox beast, you can help me boil water later."

Zhan Di turned his head and pretended not to see it.

Wei Yu said nothing and made a fireball to boil water.

The power of the Thunder Flame Warrior is very powerful. In just a moment, a small bamboo basket of water boiled.

Luo Bi was waiting, and called the small bamboo basket to go: "Let's go quickly, otherwise the beast we killed will be snatched away by the little fox beast."

Now Wei Yu and other Thunder Flame Warriors can be said to have seen what is powerful. Others are powerful in refining, and the things they refine are also awesome. Luo Bi called the small bamboo basket to go, and the small bamboo basket really followed.

Look at how anxious it is, the small bamboo basket is more anxious than Luo Bi.

Bai Yan and Wei Yu were stunned for a moment, and they were about to laugh. You are a formation device without spiritual intelligence, who are you trying to fool? It's just like it has spiritual intelligence, and it follows you when you are told to go.

"Look back to see if it has spiritual intelligence." Bai Yan said.

"No need to look." Wei Yu said firmly: "It has not spiritual intelligence."

Bai Yan's face became serious when he heard this. This is the first time he has seen such a formation device.

Consul Pei Jing planned to wait and see how powerful the small bamboo basket formation device is. If it is a powerful formation device, he will have to plan more. Who doesn't want a good formation device?

Bai Yan also had this idea, but he was not in a hurry.

At this moment, another second-level combat power was killed on the battlefield.

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