Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4588 Refining Explosion Furnace

Wen Xiao took it, Wu Cheng was confused.

"What do you want to give me the little bamboo basket for?" Wu Cheng asked.

Two little bamboo baskets had already been imported with superpowers, ready for battle, but they hadn't been used yet.

Those two little bamboo baskets were used to deal with the little fox beast and the little pig beast, and they were not used for other purposes at the moment. Luo Bi didn't plan to tell Wu Cheng, but Wen Xiao, He Yun, and Wu Shao guessed it, so she didn't care.

Li Feng has been very low-key since he came to Chixing, and he just follows whatever Wen Xiao does.

"Introduce superpowers." Luo Bi looked towards the center of the planet. From a distance, there were no superpowers, big or small. Luo Bi said, "When the superpowers come, we can fight immediately."

"Oh, oh, oh..." Wu Cheng stopped talking nonsense and looked for his brother Wu Shao: "Give me a bottle of energy liquid."

Wu Shao opened the storage ring, but Luo Bi stopped him and took out two bottles of energy liquid from the storage bracelet and gave them to Wen Xiao and Wu Cheng. Just now, He Yun and Wu Shao guided the superpowers to the small bamboo basket, which was also the energy liquid given by Luo Bi.

Wu Cheng took it with a smile, took the energy liquid with Wen Xiao, and guided the superpowers to the small bamboo basket with a sword.

With the small bamboo basket array, everyone had some confidence. They squinted their eyes and observed. In the wind and snow, little fox beasts jumped quickly one after another, waiting behind the rocks to snatch prey.

Estimated, there are eleven or twelve of them, but it's hard to say.

There are about five piglets, and other superpowers? Luo Bi took a closer look at the five sleek beasts, with good fur and small size.

There were also a few beasts that probably lived a normal life on the planet, with dull fur and small size.

There was no prey to grab, and the beasts, mainly the fox beasts, were scattered and did not approach. Only the fox beasts were cunning and were behind the rocks. The wind, snow and severe cold were not so severe behind the rocks.

"Why not kill the fox beasts and pig beasts first." Wu Lu said, "The beasts that snatch prey usually like to attack together. The more they gather, the more there are. Kill one less."

Wu Cheng looked at Luo Bi's intention, and Wen Xiao chatted with He Yun and Wu Shao.

Luo Bi did not stop him: "Go and kill them!"

The fox beasts were small and fast, and the Thunder Flame Warrior's supernatural attacks could hardly hurt the fox beasts. Wu Lu could not deal with so many fox beasts, so he grinned and did not go away.

Listening to the roar of the beasts, he guessed that they were running towards this side.

Luo Bi took advantage of this opportunity to take a few more small bamboo baskets and gave them to He Yun, Wu Shao and Li Feng respectively: "Introduce superpowers to these small bamboo baskets. The alien beasts coming here have high combat power, and two small bamboo baskets are not enough."

Wu Li also took one, which made him very excited.

The small bamboo baskets were ready for battle. In the middle of the morning, five alien beasts slowly strolled over, two big ones, one half-grown one, and two small ones, belonging to the Moo Beast tribe.

They are herbivorous, but they are also very good at eating grass in winter.

Wu Cheng was a little nervous: "These are only level 2 combat power, attack?"

The little Thunder Flame Warrior did not ask He Yun or his brother, but turned to discuss with Luo Bi.

In this way, He Yun and Wu Shao did not say anything. Wen Xiao and Feng Ling were childhood friends, so they naturally gave Luo Bi enough face.

However, Luo Bi's next words were a bit too realistic. Luo Bi said, "If it doesn't attack, just ignore it."

Wen Xiao laughed, "The Moo Beast will definitely attack."

Wu Cheng and Wu Lu also nodded. On an undeveloped planet, how could the beast not attack humans? They were refining the blast furnace here. Even if the Moo Beast's eyesight was not good, it couldn't just stare at it with its bull eyes, so they left.

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