Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4592: Everyone saves money

Wu Cheng took a look and ran over.

Wu Shao hissed, feeling sour.

Thunder Flame Warriors always seek wealth and danger when they go on missions. Equipment and resources are in short supply, and everyone is thrifty. When they first came to Chixing, the situation was clear, but how come things have gone awry since yesterday?

However, Wu Shao was happy to see this.

"What are you doing?" Wu Cheng asked eagerly.

"I'll count," Luo Bi said.

Wu Cheng came to the furnace: "I'll help you count."

Luo Bi never believed in others, she said: "You count well."

Wu Cheng said: "I know how to count."

Luo Bi: "..."

Soon the two of them finished counting. This furnace had sixty small bamboo baskets, which were distributed to the Thunder Flame Warriors to introduce superpowers. There were not enough people here, so Wen Xiao ran to the side where the formation was set up, and Feng Ling, Bai Yan and others introduced superpowers to the small bamboo baskets.

The human side was well prepared and ready.

With the whistling cold wind, groups of fox beasts came from far to near in the snow. They were mainly earth-colored, and the number was estimated to be 150. Then there were more fox beasts jumping and gathering.

Bai Yan took a breath, and Feng Ling said: "If He Yun and the others can't handle it later, stop refining immediately."

Bai Yan and Roger nodded. The fox beasts had fierce mouths and sharp claws. This number of fox beasts was not something that the guards led by He Yun and Wu Shao could handle. Now they could only rely on Xiao Zhulou.

Roger didn't forget to tease at this time: "This stick provoked the fox beasts."

The Thunder Flame Warriors controlled the supernatural fireballs to refine, and no one responded. The fox beast clan and the pig beasts had a famous grudge. Compared with the fox beasts, the pig beasts were inferior. This time, Xiao Zhulou took action, but provoked both clans.

The one rushing in front must be the fox beast, and the one behind... I can't see clearly, but it is estimated that there are pig beasts.

These two kinds of beasts always assist in battle.

At this time, Luo Bi also saw that the fastest little fox beast was close at hand, baring its teeth. The little fox beast was very fierce. The one behind was not clear and vaguely looked like a little fox beast.

Damn, the little pig beast joined in the fun.

It was better to strike first. The distance was enough. Luo Bi didn't dare to wait for the beast to get close before killing it, lest she couldn't beat it and didn't even have a chance to run. Three hundred of them were enough.

Including the little pig beast, I'm afraid there must be five hundred.

At this moment, Luo Bi didn't have time to ask others. If she asked, it would be the same. She could only consider more and not underestimate the enemy. Although, Luo Bi subconsciously despised the little fox beast, because the little fox beast had never taken advantage of her.

But now there are many people and they eat things quickly, so she can't be soft-hearted.

Wu Cheng became nervous: "Including the piglets, there are more than 500 of them."

Luo Bi had already realized the severity of the battle, and Wu Cheng was still yelling, which made Luo Bi stomped her feet in anger, and said angrily: "Why are you scaring me?"

"How did I scare you?" Wu Cheng said: "This time we have poked the nest of the fox and piglets."

Luo Bi was worried that she was not well prepared, and was frightened by Wu Cheng, so she ran to the refining team to find Hua Ran and asked Bai Yan for help: "Can I let my brother go to my side to help me deal with the fox? Let my brother come back to refine later."

Bai Yan glanced at the furnace cauldron refined by Hua Ran, which was sizzling with lightning. He suspected that the reason why the planting furnace cauldron was not blown up every time was that Hua Ran's ability was wrong. Let's go quickly.

Bai Yan raised his chin and agreed.

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