Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4595: Just free time

Wei Yu made a "tsk" sound, amused and angry.

You said these little bamboo baskets have awakened their intelligence, right? No.

You said they haven't awakened their intelligence, right? Can an unintelligent one have so many ideas of its own? !

Never mind, if you can't figure it out, just stop thinking about it.

At this time, it was only half an afternoon, and Hua Ran mobilized the little bamboo baskets to strike the piglet beast and the fox beast clan with lightning, killing and wounding them all. The dying beasts were killed. The masters who had always been difficult to deal with on the undeveloped planet were not difficult to deal with this time.

The bloodline was suppressed, and the fox beasts had to wilt.

Hua Ran held the sword, Wu Cheng and Luo Bi looked down from a high place, and estimated that they were almost done. Luo Bi stopped and waved his hand to Hua Ran and said, "That's it, there are no more tribulations."

Hua Ran didn't understand what tribulations meant, but he stopped as he was told.

Wu Cheng didn't understand, so he asked, "Luo Bi, what does it mean to pass the tribulation?"

"Oh." This Luo Bi understood, and he roughly explained it, pointing to the dead little fox beasts and said, "Do you know that the little fox beasts upgrade their combat power? Every time they upgrade a level, they will be struck by lightning, and those that are not killed by lightning will upgrade."

Wu Cheng was surprised to hear this, and was worried that some little fox beasts would take the opportunity to upgrade, so he quickly looked down and looked for them. He didn't find any alive and well, and he felt relieved at the moment. If the little fox beasts that robbed everything upgraded their combat power, it would be terrible.

But this lightning strike was brought down by Hua Ran mobilizing the small bamboo basket formation device, which seemed to have nothing to do with the mysterious and mysterious arts.

Wu Cheng looked at Luo Bi and said, "We have the final say?"

Luo Bi thought about it and nodded, "Ah, as long as the time, place and people are right, we have the final say. The little fox beasts are not vengeful and difficult to deal with, so we can kill them as many as we can."

It's easy to deal with a cunning and difficult beast, but if you kill it, there will be no more tricks.

Wu Cheng was excited just thinking about it. It was cold and windy on the rocky mountain. Luo Bi called Wu Cheng and Hua Ran down the mountain to join everyone. At this time, Wei Yu and Jiang Yixin had already brought guards to clean up the battlefield.

Wu Cheng slipped on the hillside, and he helped Luo Bi diligently: "Hey, you said it would be great if I had lightning ability, I could also kill the little fox beast and the little pig beast. Can I mobilize the little fox beast to attack next time?"

They were chatting happily, and Luo Bi said: "You go and kill other beasts."

Wu Cheng was happy: "I will definitely kill it without leaving a single piece of armor."

Luo Bi laughed and found it interesting.

After going down the rocky mountain, Luo Bi and Wu Cheng ran to watch the fun, and Hua Ran walked with everyone to inspect the battlefield. If there were little fox beasts that were not dead, they would be killed at the same time, and there was no point in keeping them.

Before everyone had lunch, Roger said, "The fox tribe hasn't come yet, hurry up and prepare the ingredients for dinner."

Wu Lu was young and worried about miscalculation, so he asked, "Can the injured fox beasts summon their companions? I see they are wilting and almost dying. In such a cold day, don't let them freeze to death on the way."

This worry is hypocritical.

Wu Cheng also said happily, "Yes, yes, don't let them freeze to death."

Luo Bi thought for a while, but said, "No, the fox beasts have strong vitality and won't die even if they fall."

Several people gathered together and chattered, worrying about all kinds of things, and they were just idle. They were also very impatient, and everything had to be done immediately, but the injured fox beasts also needed time to go back and forth.

Roger ignored them and arranged for the guards to collect the ingredients.

Five mooing beasts were harvested. There were about 60 of them, and they only had to collect two mooing beasts, one big and one small. When they unloaded the goods, they picked the ones that were not troublesome to collect, and simply didn't want the ones that were troublesome.

Feng Ling, Qin Yilang and others went to put away the cauldron, as the planting cauldron had not been made.

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