Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4627: A touch of spiritual energy

Luo Bi took in the Thunder Flame Warrior's expression and guessed how good this melon-looking fruit was.

It is impossible for the value to be low, Luo Bi is not blind.

Look at Wu Cheng, the little Leiyan warrior was a little stunned, with a hint of flattery in his expression. He looked around, Wen Xiao didn't stop him, Li Feng didn't say anything, does he want this melon? ! !

"This melon has aura." Wu Cheng swallowed his saliva and said, "This is not an ordinary nutritious energy melon. It has a trace of aura. It can prolong life, which is rare."

Luo Bi was slightly surprised and a little surprised.

Anything with spiritual energy is a good thing!

What kind of luck did she have? She was curious about what kind of wild fruits the imperial concubine pig went to eat. She searched nearby and was surprised to be able to collect a tree of melons. Who would have thought that it was actually one with spiritual energy? It's amazing.

Luo Bi was excited, with joy on her face, and she immediately made a calculation in her heart, how many spirit melons are there?

Wu Cheng looked at Luo Bi's face. He knew that the food was ready. The little Leiyan warrior hesitated and asked without confidence: "Will you give me this melon to eat again?"

Luo Bi is a fan of money, but it depends on who she is with, not including those with whom she is close.

"You can eat it." Luo Bi did not dwell on the topic and said, "Strong genetic agitation consumes the same amount of mental power and soul power as a gifted bonder. It will give you a headache."

Wu Cheng was overjoyed: "Really give it to me?!"

Luo Bi said: "Eat it."

Wu Cheng was overjoyed as he held the melon. Wen Xiao squinted his eyes, a little worried about the melon that contained spiritual energy. It's not that Wen Xiao didn't want to give it to Wu Cheng. The little Lei Yan warrior worked hard today, so he had to eat something good. Still understandable.

The main thing is that I ate the whole melon, which gave me an advantage.

"Let's go on our way." Wen Xiao helped Luo Bi and left.

Li Feng felt a little envious of Wu Cheng. Why didn't he meet such a good classmate when he was so old? He wanted to take advantage of this, and he had a whole soul.

Li Feng said "tsk" and took a little imperial pig from Wu Cheng's shoulder.

Wu Cheng carried a little royal pig on his back and walked a few steps quickly while holding the melon. He caught up with Wen Xiao and Luo Bi. He held the small cantaloupe in a rare way and was reluctant to eat it. He took a bite and swallowed it. His headache disappeared in a moment.

The little Lei Yan warrior was walking beside him. Luo Bi turned around to take a look, speechless: "Why did you eat the skin?"

Wu Cheng was stunned, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "If you don't chew the melon with spiritual energy, how can I peel it and eat it?!"

Luo Bi was dumbfounded and turned to Wen Xiao: "Is this a cantaloupe?"

Wen Xiao nodded: "It's cantaloupe."

Luo Bi thought about the value of melons and fruits with spiritual energy. Even chewing the skin is not bad. It can prolong life. This alone makes it rare for interstellar humans. Even chewing the skin is reasonable.

"How many years can you extend your life by eating this?" Luo Bi asked without understanding.

While Wu Cheng was nibbling on the melon, he turned to look at Wen Xiao. He also wanted to know that eating one of these melons with a hint of spiritual energy could extend his life by a few years. He really wanted to brag to the kids.

Wen Xiao's steps slowed down a little, and he stared at the small cantaloupe in Wu Cheng's hand with a half-smile: "I didn't eat it, how do I know? Otherwise, give me half, and I'll try it and tell you."

Wu Cheng was shocked, Luo Bi was stunned, and then started to giggle.

Wu Cheng is so rare, should he share half of it? Just kidding.

"Where's the blackmailer?" Wu Cheng held the melon defensively and distanced himself from Wen Xiao and Luo Bi.

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