Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4633 Buy Yours

Fortunately, there are not many alien beasts on the edge of the planet now, and the two legions can still hold on.

On the Chixing side, Li Feng and the guards had a hard time just cleaning up the monsters and alien beasts. The reason was simple: the wounds of the alien beasts were all covered with dirt, which was mixed so well.

If this is not cleaned up well, it will definitely be disgusting.

Move it to the bottom of the spring and wash it once, then wash it again, and touch it. The meat of the alien beast is still sandy. Continue to wash it. Who can do this? !

The guards glanced at Li Feng with a different look in their eyes. You said that among the eight attributes, which superpower should not be used to kill the monsters? You chose to use the earth superpower. Now, the meat of the alien beasts is covered with dirt.

Li Feng touched his nose. He didn't expect that his superpower would be disliked. At that time, he was only concerned with killing the monsters. Who could have thought that it would be difficult to eat meat later. One monster and one alien beast, it took until dark to clean them up.

Luo Bi chatted with Wu Cheng and Jiang Yixin at a table. They were busy picking vegetables, and Luo Bi smashed garlic.

Li Feng and the guards carried the meat of exotic beasts and demon beasts onto the spaceship. Luo Bi wondered, "Why did you take so long to clean it up? It's already dark. Can the braised meat still be braised?"

When will it be eaten? !

Li Feng had to tell the truth, "It's hard to clean up the exotic beasts and demon beasts. They are all dirt."

Luo Bi stopped talking. She picked a small earth-themed bamboo basket to kill the exotic beasts and demon beasts. The earth-themed ones have never been used up. There are many of them, so she didn't think about the taste of the prey.

Wu Cheng felt guilty. The prey was covered with dirt, and he had contributed to it.

Jiang Yixin took the opportunity to show off and wanted to leave the refining team, saying: "I said, my water-based ability is the most suitable for killing alien beasts and demon beasts. The prey killed by the earth-based ability is too muddy and difficult to clean up. You see how hard it is."

Luo Bi understood Jiang Yixin's intention and didn't mind pouring cold water on her: "It's useless to say this to us. The one who has the final say is not in the kitchen. Go to the living room and talk to the one who has the final say."

Luo Bi urged, and Jiang Yixin really went there. He was not afraid of anyone.

Li Feng was amused and moved the alien beast meat to the kitchen area to get busy, and first stewed the lower goods.

Wu Cheng grabbed some selected wild vegetables and estimated that it was enough to eat. Seeing that it was getting late, he took a small basket of wild vegetables and stood up: "I'll go steam the wild vegetables."

Luo Bi didn't trust him: "Can you steam wild vegetables?"

"I can." Wu Cheng went to wash the wild vegetables.

After washing and steaming the wild vegetables in the pot, Wu Cheng finally had some free time to fiddle with the small optical computer. He was really good today. Without bragging a little, Wu Cheng opened the familiar circle.

Wu Cheng: You may not believe it, but a little Thunder Flame Warrior with my combat power killed several Guifei Pig monsters today.

Huang Xinling was the first to jump out: Bragging.

Zhan Shao: You'd better die.

Wu Cheng ate melon seeds, glanced at the small optical computer, and poked it a few times.

Wu Cheng: I knew you were ignorant.

Huang Xinling was not happy: You are ignorant.

Bai Juanchi came a step later: Let me see your monster meat.

Wu Cheng ignored it. The meat on the grill was not cooked yet. I'll let them get jealous later.

Wu Cheng put away the small optical computer and ran to help Li Feng. At this time, the younger generation of the family circle of Emperor Star secretly sneered at Wu Cheng. Killing monsters? With Wu Cheng's combat power, Zhan Shao disdained it.

When the meat was cooked, Wu Cheng took a photo of the roasted pork.

In a short while, the younger generation of the family circle was in an uproar.

Bai Juan jumped out: I'll buy yours.

Zhan Shao was in the restaurant, glanced at the small computer, and was surprised.

Zhan Shao followed closely: I'll buy it too.

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