Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4637: Braised Pig's Trotters, Year 4, Chapter 637

Luo Bi just speaks in a nice way, giving people a sense of innocence.

You try to trick her.

At nine o'clock in the evening, the braised food came out of the pot.

Jiang Yixin immediately got up from the sofa in the living room and went to the kitchen area to pick up the food. Luo Bi loved braised pig heart, braised pig ears, braised pig intestines, and braised pig liver. Jiang Yixin picked them out.

Suddenly, the kitchen area was full of the smell of braised food.

He Yun and Wei Yuan got up and walked to the kitchen area to see what was delicious in the pot. Wu Qi was young and asked Wu Cheng to pick his favorite braised meat. He had just eaten for two hours and was hungry again.

Jiang Yixin took the barbecue tongs to find the braised food. When she saw the braised pig's trotter, she turned around and asked loudly: "Luo Bi, do you eat braised pig's trotters? They are braised for a long time and are soft and rotten."

Luo Bi turned around in confusion, lying on the back of the sofa and said: "You just ate and you eat again?!"

Wu Cheng said: "I've been eating for a while."

Luo Bi was worried that she would be full, so she turned around and looked at Feng Ling inquiringly.

As long as Luo Bi could eat, Feng Ling naturally hoped that Luo Bi would eat more imperial concubine pork, so she said: "Pick the ones you like and cut a small plate. Don't eat too much. Eat and play for a while and then go to sleep."

Zhan Di lowered his eyes and fiddled with the crystal stone.

Luo Jie was not one to be taken advantage of. He glanced at the kitchen area. Wei Yuan, He Yun and others were all around Jiang Yixin to pick up the braised food. Hua Ran and Wen Xiao also went there. Luo Jie raised his eyebrows, got up and went to the kitchen area. Luo Bi followed happily.

Feng Zixun saw that he and Wei Yu also went to find food.

The kitchen area was very lively once the pot of braised food was cooked. Everyone was busy with their own things. Everyone had different tastes and liked different braised food. They picked out their favorites and found onions, ginger and garlic to season them.

The kitchen was not big. One peeled onions and the other cut ginger.

Luo Bi loved garlic. She took a head of garlic and waited for Feng Zixun to finish cutting the onions so that she could smash the garlic. He Yun picked up a braised pig's trotter and skillfully found a cutting board to cut the braised meat.

Huh? Luo Bi hurried over to He Yun and waited.

Wu Cheng and Wu Qi looked over here and saw that the chopping board was being used. They looked over there and saw that the chopping board was also being used. Jiang Yixin, the foodie, picked up the most braised food and moved a small bowl away from the braised meat pot.

"You kid, can you finish it?" Wei Yu asked him.

"I can finish it." Jiang Yixin held the small bowl and looked over: "The chopping board is being used."

Li Feng opened the cupboard and took out a small wooden chopping board: "You use this."

Everyone looked over at once, their eyes whizzing.

Wei Yuan grabbed a braised pig's trotter, and Wu Cheng gave the braised pig's trotter he grabbed to Luo Bi. Now the whole pig's trotter of the imperial concubine pig was complete, and those who didn't grab it could only eat it. Feng Zixun gave Luo Bi a few pieces of chopped ginger and helped Luo Bi smash the garlic.

He Yun gave Luo Bi some green onions, mixed the braised pig's trotters with a small bowl, and stuffed the small bowl into Luo Bi's hand: "Okay, I didn't add salt."

Luo Bi nodded to show that she understood, and called Wu Cheng to eat the pig's trotters and the cold braised meat.

On a winter night, a pot of hot braised meat was considered comfortable for everyone to eat. The various braised flavors were full and the more they ate, the better they tasted. They were obviously full for dinner, but now it felt like they hadn't eaten.

This time, they ate a lot, so they didn't need to eat other people's nutritious fruits and melons. Luo Bi collected spiritual melons. She ate a few pieces. It was sweet and her stomach didn't feel uncomfortable. After she was full, Feng Ling sent her to bed.

She ate a royal pig monster, and there were four more, one big and three small.

In the morning, Li Feng and Jiang Yixin collected another one, plus a strange beast, which was enough for the whole team to eat.

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