Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4643 I can’t bear to part with it

Wu Cheng stayed behind as a small follower, while He Yun, Wu Shao, and Jiang Yixin led a team of small bamboo basket array devices to go hunting.

It was only 2:30 in the afternoon. As soon as He Yun and his team left, the refining was over. Thirty furnaces were destroyed again. There was not enough time to refine another furnace. The Thunder Flame Warriors packed up the furnaces and returned to the spaceship.

Governor Pei Jing was quite satisfied that Luo Bi did not cause trouble.

After getting on the spaceship, Wei Yu and others looked for food first, and then Li Feng was called back by the guards.

Wei Yuan saw Li Feng and said, "You are back just in time, let's pack up the prey and cook."

Li Feng took off his coat and asked, "What kind of monsters do you want to eat?"

Wu Cheng actively approached and said, "I killed a lot of Moo Beasts."

The Concubine Pig Monster must be eaten. If you don't eat it, the energy will overflow. Eating it will not only appease the strong gene, but also prolong life. With the addition of a Moo Beast, there will be enough food for the evening.

Wei Yu and others discussed the amount of food and planned to go out to dig wild vegetables later.

It's hard to find more, but it's OK to have enough for Luo Bi.

Wei Yuan secretly thought that maybe Luo Bi was happy after eating wild vegetables, so he would not go to kill monsters tomorrow, and let them, the Thunder Flame Warriors, hunt nearby with small bamboo baskets.

Several people were discussing over there, and Roger brewed another pot of tea and handed it to Feng Ling.

Archon Pei Jing picked up the teacup, glanced at Feng Ling's arms, and asked, "How many monsters did you and Wu Cheng kill today?"

This kind of person in power likes to set traps. Luo Bi pulled open the blanket and said innocently, "We killed all Moo Beasts, and didn't take prey from other tribes. There are about ninety or so, and there are big and small Moo Beasts."

The lethality of a team of small bamboo basket array devices is not weak, and they can kill magic beasts. Pei Jing didn't say it directly in front of Feng Ling that he had been killing for a day, and he also consumed the energy of the small bamboo basket array device. Hunting only ninety prey is too little.

Luo Jie and Zhan Di also felt that it was too little, and their eyes flashed. You can't say anything about this woman, Feng Ling is protecting her.

Archon Pei Jing attaches great importance to the foundation of the planet. Whoever is short of things will feel uncomfortable. Pei Jing is very uncomfortable compared to other wealthy planets, so what should be said must be said.

"Women have no fighting power, and they can't stand the cold in winter." Archon Pei Jing drank tea and said slowly: "Next, the team will stay in Chixing for a few more days, and it's better for the Thunder Flame Warrior to bring the small bamboo basket array to kill the monsters."

Luo Bi understood that this was not allowing her to play with the small bamboo basket, thinking that she was wasting the energy of the array.

What the Archon said made sense, and it was still the Thunder Flame Warrior who was most suitable for hunting. Luo Bi led the team these two days just on a whim, wanting to scratch something, but compared with the Thunder Flame Warrior, she and Wu Cheng hunted very few prey.

Few prey, and also wasted energy.

Luo Bi agreed, but she still wanted to get supplies by herself, and negotiated with the Thunder Flame Warrior: "Give me a few small bamboo basket array devices, I will stroll around the team and collect things."

Consul Pei Jing was reluctant: "It's cold outside, you should stay on the spaceship."

If a few small bamboo basket array devices are taken away, how many fewer alien beasts will be killed! It's not worth it.

Genius contract masters and talented people are good at extraction and refining, and hunting is a nuisance. It's nothing at ordinary times, but now the small bamboo basket array devices are so powerful, one less is one, and Consul Pei Jing and Roger are reluctant to do it.

Luo Bi thought, forget it, killing alien beasts is hard work, and she is very tired after this day.

Feng Ling was happy to see this, and didn't stop her. At least Luo Bi wouldn't be cold if she stayed on the spaceship.

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