Roger: "······"

So, what he thought was right, Luo Bi was lucky.

He dug a bamboo basket here, and changed places. These winter bamboo shoots were not densely distributed, but they grew quite a lot. Fortunately, there were many of them, and they dug them separately. Almost all of them contained spiritual energy, not to mention how pleasing it was.

Even Bai Yan's eyes changed when he looked at Luo Bi. This master was so lucky, what was wrong with Luo Wan, who was a lucky husband.

Even if Luo Wan was a lucky husband, Luo Wan couldn't find so many winter bamboo shoots even if she was called from the Emperor Star. Her luck was so good that Bai Yan was simply confused and doubted his ability in the mysterious arts.

Bai Yan's mysterious arts were also downgraded, but he was not confused.

Luo Bi could probably guess the suspicions of Roger and others, but she kept her composure. Anyway, no matter what, she would first scratch and look for it. If it was hard to find, she would tell everyone how to find winter bamboo shoots.

Luo Bi couldn't hide it from Feng Ling, so she ran to the man and whispered, "They thought I was lucky."

Feng Ling looked at her: "Isn't it?"

Luo Bi hugged Feng Ling's arm and said, "I know how to find winter bamboo shoots, but I won't tell you."

Feng Ling's eyes flashed, and she smiled: "You can find it yourself, there's no need to tell others."

Luo Bi leaned on Feng Ling's arm, full of dependence: "We have looked enough, it's not easy to find, I will tell them how to find it, the bamboo forest is not small, there are many winter bamboo shoots under the snow, if we don't dig them up, when the snow melts in the future, it will be a bargain for the hunting team that comes on a mission."

This winter, there is snow, it's not easy for them to find, and it's not easy for others to find it.

When the snow melts, the bamboo shoots will be exposed, and the winter bamboo shoots can't be hidden anymore, and it's hard to say whose family they belong to.

Who does Luo Bi know in other people's hunting teams? She doesn't know anyone, why should she give them a bargain.

And people like Xue Wan, if they happen to find this bamboo forest, first come first served, and find more winter bamboo shoots, and there are also some that contain spiritual energy, wouldn't she shout that she is lucky.

This is absolutely not okay. They have all dug up all the bamboo shoots.

She will have to keep an eye on them, wait until winter ends and the snow melts, and look for the bamboo shoots that were missed. Damn, not scraping the ground three feet is polite. Luo Bi followed Zhang Luo's work and mobilized good luck. Damn, she didn't let anyone else pick up a bamboo shoot skin.

Feng Ling heard that Luo Bi collected supplies and plucked feathers from passing geese. It was impossible for others to take advantage of them.

Very good, Feng Ling was digging bamboo shoots, and it was difficult to tidy up Luo Bi's cloak. Her eyes moved away from the cloak. Feng Ling said, "You are responsible for finding them. Don't get cold. Come back quickly if you are tired."

Luo Bi immediately let go of Feng Ling's arm, climbed up and jumped away.

The Thunder Flame Warrior dug things very quickly. Luo Bi came back and stopped looking. She ran to the bamboo basket. Every bamboo shoot was plump and was dug for her family. There were five baskets, about sixty of them containing spiritual energy.

And there were also those that were saved before, which was not a small amount.

Luo Jie was jealous of the quantity. Seeing her free time, he joked: "Keep looking."

Comparing him to a blind person, very good, go back to Feng Ling's house to eat. Luo Jie was jealous and wanted to eat at a rich family. There are so many winter bamboo shoots full of spiritual energy, isn't it a rich family!

Luo Bi didn't respond to this, and looked into the distance: "How many are left to dig?!"

Luo Jie glanced and said: "Not many."

Then wait a little longer, Luo Bi was wandering around, others were digging winter bamboo shoots for her family, Luo Bi didn't say anything to dig one, fortunately Luo Jie and his friends didn't count on her.

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