Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4787 It makes me angry

Luo Bi didn't eat it, it's really not a good candy.

Even if it tastes good, Luo Bi doesn't want to eat it just because of the greedy look of a few people who can't lift their mouths. It makes me angry and I don't like it, so why eat it? I don't want to eat anything, what a joke!

Luo Ping's mother ate candy and took fruits back and forth.

Compared with other families, the Luo family is very interesting, that is, they value the younger generation very much. If a girl gets married and has one more relative, if it is helpful, it will be very face in the family.

So, there are a group of younger generations, and the aunts are still there to serve them.

Although sometimes the aunts also break the rules, it's very interesting anyway.

Tong Wan went out for a while, and my god, the side hall was in chaos.

"I heard that Tong Wan ran away with someone?" A cousin's eyes were full of light.

"I heard about it too." Another cousin followed up.

Oh my god, Luo Bi hurried over to listen and step on it.

Luo Ping's eyes were dazed, worried that Tong Wan would hear her. The cousin who spoke first waved her hand and said, "She's really different now that she's gone out. She's thinner and looks prettier."

"She even bought a storage bracelet." Luo Yini replied.

Luo Niaoyan walked over, sat down and said, "I didn't expect her to be like this."

Luo Niaoya: "..."

Luo Bi looked at her. This idiot didn't know anything, but she was playing well with Tong Wan. Of course, it was the kind of relationship where she would come when she was invited and go when she was dismissed. Tong Wan didn't think highly of her at all.

"Tell me, tell me." Luo Jiao was sitting far away, so she quickly squeezed over and found a small empty seat with Luo Ping in her arms: "What happened? I heard that my cousin beat her up."

The sisters in the family immediately curled their lips: "He beat her up."

"She became listless again after the beating. Luo Chang's family has been looking at her face for the past year." Luo Ping's mother despised this family. After saying that, she glanced out of the side hall: "Okay, stop talking. Be careful that Tong Wan hears."

Everyone restrained themselves, but the cousin's eyes were still bright.

Luo Bi instructed: "Praise her beauty."

Tong Wan loves to hear people say she is beautiful. It's hard to say whether she likes it or not. If everyone praises her, she will not recognize herself.

The cousins ​​covered their mouths and laughed. They can deliberately praise her.

Luo Ping's mother was concerned about her reputation. When she saw the reaction of the relative's child, she cursed and went out: "I don't know what's in your mind, what a shame."

Luo Chang didn't get divorced, so he couldn't scold Tong Wan in person, not to mention how aggrieved he was.

Tong Wan went to the kitchen area to show off and came back soon. Suddenly, the girls stopped huddling together and pretended to be calm and went back to their own places to talk about other things.

Luo Niaoya kept looking at Tong Wan, but she didn't have a brain.

The problem is that she still thinks she is better than anyone else.

Tong Wan was originally a person who thought a lot. After taking a look, she felt nervous. She felt that everyone was saying bad things about her behind her back, but it seemed that they didn't. Tong Wan sat down with suspicion.

Then Tong Wan stopped playing with the small light computer and went around and around to ask questions.

The younger generation may not be very smart, but they are not stupid enough to tell Tong Wan to say bad things about her behind her back. Tong Wan tried to ask questions for a long time, but got nothing. Several girls from the relatives praised her one by one.

Then, Tong Wan had no time to think about it.

The status of distinguished guests in the Luo family's main house was different. Zhan Hui and Hua Chen were both on the hill at this time, accompanied by Luo Huan and Luo Qing's cousins. Luo Yuan was also there. She was the best among the girls in this branch and had a say among the Thunder Flame Warriors.

Luo Jiao then went up the hill as well.

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