Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4798 Just Eat It Up

In this way, Guan Zhuting knew that Luo Bi didn't care about the food from her mother's house.

Luo Bi returned home, Feng Ling and Luo Jie were in the living room. Luo Jie was going out to have a party in the evening. All the good food was gone, so Luo Jie and Leng Lie discussed going to the club to have fun.

Feng Ling was not interested and planned to send Luo Jie away to pick up Luo Bi. Luo Bi came back by herself.

"Why didn't you wait for me to pick you up?" Feng Ling brushed the snow off Luo Bi's body. It was snowing heavily at this time.

Luo Bi didn't care: "No need to pick me up."

Roger made a "tsk" sound and got up from the sofa. If Luo Bi came back, Feng Ling really wouldn't go out to have fun. Luo Jie didn't give up and asked Feng Ling again: "Really not going?"

"You guys go." Feng Ling threw a card to Luo Jie: "I'll treat you."

Roger grinned, took the card and left.

Leng Lie had a wife and a lover, which didn't hinder him from playing. He left as soon as Luo Jie called him.

As soon as Roger left, Luo Bi put the bag on the table and told Feng Ling happily: "My mother fried all the remaining flower clams, and I left some for my mother's family."

Feng Ling was surprised that Luo Bi liked to eat fried melon seeds so much that she actually left a portion for her mother's family.

However, Feng Ling had no objection. He originally wanted to bring the whole pot back. Feng Ling didn't care whether others ate it or not, as long as Luo Bi had something to eat, but Luo Bi decided to leave it for her mother's family, so Feng Ling naturally wouldn't say anything else.

"If you eat it all, I'll find a way to get you some river fish that can be fried." Feng Ling was about to cook dinner. He glanced at the snow scene with sharp eyes and said: "After this snow, this winter should be over."

After Feng Ling finished speaking, he turned his head and smiled: "After dinner, I'll take you out for a walk. When the snow stops, the accumulated snow will melt."

Luo Bi really wanted to go, so she nodded in agreement.

Feng Ling went to count the ingredients. There were still a few shrimps and crabs. The energy was almost lost, so she simply took a mushroom crab and a big red shrimp and steamed them.

Luo Bi couldn't eat greasy food and liked to eat wild vegetables. Feng Ling frowned and took another complete seventh-level high-level ginseng grass, cut off a section of the ginseng grass beard, and used it to steam shrimps and crabs.

Steaming river fish was very fast, and there was also a mushroom soup. Feng Ling was busy and answered a call.

The cold call called Feng Ling over, and Feng Ling replied: "You guys have fun."

Luo Bi took the flower clams to the glass room, poured out a pound, and put the rest in the cupboard. She would take them out after eating. Luo Bi didn't want to save them. She loved eating melon seeds, and she couldn't keep them.

If she didn't eat them all, Luo Bi would miss them all day.

After dinner, Luo Bi and Feng Ling went to the hill downstairs to enjoy the snow. It was already late, and the night was shrouded. Most of the people who enjoyed the snow had gone back. After all, it was freezing outside.

Luo Bi was playing in the snow, and a few naughty children ran over to join her.

Feng Ling accompanied her patiently, and when Luo Bi had enough fun, he took Luo Bi home, and the children followed him back. One child grumbled: "If you want to play in the snow again, you can only wait until next winter."

Luo Bi did not comment. She didn't like snow all winter, and she was reluctant to leave when it was about to end.

If it really continued to be winter, the children would have made a fuss and frozen to death.

The wind blew at night, and the cold wind was not small. The next morning, heavy snow was still falling.

Luo Bi stayed at home and ate fried clams, eating handfuls after handfuls. She ate more than half a catty in the morning. There was no other way. The freshly fried river fish was too delicious. The main reason was that it was cold outside in winter, and what else could she eat at home but melon seeds.

It was so comfortable to have snacks to eat while watching the snow.

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