Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4800: Even with interstellar coins, you can’t buy it

Luo Bi just said that and didn't care.

Wei Qin ate half a handful of fried clam seeds and was very happy. She talked about He Xiang: "He Xiang is very busy. She extracts and refines every day. The military attaches great importance to her."

Luo Bi heard it and said, "I'm not busy."

"You don't extract?" Wei Qin frowned and said, "The talented people are trying their best to be valued by the military. It's too comfortable for you to stay at home all the time. Everyone is busy."

Luo Bi has her own arrangements: "I'll wait until the weather warms up."

"The talented people and the talented contract masters are busy." Wei Qin persuaded: "How can you wait until the weather warms up? If you have a jadeite, hurry up and extract the energy liquid. Extracting a bottle is fine."

Luo Bi replied: "No, I don't want to work now."

Let them be busy, it's none of her business.

Wei Qin: "······"

Eating a clam seed can make you feel better. I'm so angry.

Everyone was busy thinking hard, only Luo Bi was so relaxed, anyone who saw it would be angry, Wei Qin was still a good-tempered person, let's not talk about this, Wei Qin talked about planting again.

"Have you planted the seeds my cousin brought back?" Wei Qin asked.

"No." Luo Bi ate the flower clams very quickly, ate one, and calculated the season in his mind: "If you don't use the plant defense shield, it's too early to plant now, let's talk about it later, have you planted it?"

"No." Wei Qin chewed the flower clam meat carefully, chewed the fragrance of the river fresh before swallowing it: "I thought about planting it with you, have you cleaned up your planting field? I haven't turned the soil in my planting field yet."

Luo Bi didn't have any ideas, it's okay to plant together, they have a good relationship and agreed to do everything together.

"I didn't turn the soil either." Luo Bi asked, "When do you plan to plant?"

Wei Qin was depressed: "I'm very busy now."

Luo Bi was not in a hurry: "Then wait until you are free, you can extract the energy liquid first."

Wei Qin nodded, and then Lan Qiao came to visit and asked what Luo Bi was planting in the planting field. Luo Bi didn't think about it at all. Several women chatted, and Wei Qin said she was busy, or she left after having enough fun.

Before leaving, Lan Qiao asked, "Do you have any mutant vegetables in your planting field?"

Luo Bi said, "No."

Lan Qiao went to Fan Yao's house again. They had to plant in the spring, so those who had planting fields were discussing what to plant. Fan Yao's family also had a planting field. Lan Qiao felt that it was better to discuss with Fan Yao than with Luo Bi.

These days, the child Qi Yan went to the planting field when he was free, just like a little adult.

Luo Bi went out for a stroll. There was plenty of water on the rocky hill. If you look carefully, you can find small plants growing in the soil. Luo Bi was happy after seeing this.

When Feng Ling was not busy, he would go home early to prepare food.

Feng Ling was very concerned about food. Luo Bi liked to eat river food. Feng Ling simply steamed all the shrimps and crabs and put in the seventh-level high-level ginseng grass. Luo Bi was happy and ate more.

Feng Ling was thoughtful and went to the Operations Department to discuss the mission with Qin Yilang.

After eating for a whole winter, the nutritious energy ingredients were in short supply. Even if you had interstellar coins, you might not be able to buy what you like. The Thunder Flame Warriors were determined to become stronger and were very active in going on missions.

Talented talents and talented contract masters were hesitant. They wanted to gain something, but they were also worried about the beasts. Those with good talents knew the importance of equipment and resources, so they were busy extracting and refining.

Energy liquid, energy stone, and spiritual medicine were all in great demand.

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