Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4816: You can sell interstellar coins

Wei Zi left half a catty behind but took none of it to He Xiang's house.

Luo Bi bought too much, so it would be inappropriate to take away all of it.

He Xiang refined a pot of elixir and went home early. Luo Bi and Wei Zi came in. Wei Zi put the mixed sour wild fruits on the table. He Xiang took a look and quickly gathered them together to have dinner.

A table was set up in the large balcony courtyard and a small grill was placed on it. He Gan brought back a piece of exotic animal meat and went to the kitchen to cut the exotic animal meat himself and marinated it with seasonings.

He Yun was very satisfied with the friendship between He Xiang and Luo Bi. He specially asked He Qian to send the exotic meat, the second-grade exotic meat, which He Yun picked.

This shows He Yun's attitude.

This meal is not cheap, but if you are a good friend, you can't just count the interstellar coins. Only Wei Zi is a freebie. Luo Bi, He Xiang, and He Yun all spent interstellar coins, but the atmosphere is very good.

Luo Bi had such a good time that she went home and went to bed early.

The next day, Luo Bi took out the jadeite and extracted it piece by piece. When he was tired, he went out for a walk and went to the garrison base restaurant to have dinner with Wei Tzu and He Xiang at noon.

Yang Yu's Seventh Combat Team returned from a mission with little success, and the Leiyan warriors were injured. It was said that this mission was a loss.

He Kan was injured and his strong gene was restless, but the problem was not big. Just buy a bottle of second-grade elixir. To put it simply, whoever spent the interstellar coins would feel bad. The logistics team dug up wild vegetables, and Zhang Yao and others went to get a handful. Eat wild vegetables.

Luo Bi only went to visit the house to watch the fun, and didn't want other people's wild vegetables.

Fan Yao twisted her legs and jumped around to greet Zhang Yao, Lan Qiao, Luo Bi and Liang Qian.

Liang Qian was surprised: "Are you injured?"

"Ouch, I got caught on a vine and sprained." Fan Yao didn't care.

Zhang Yao and Lan Qiao went over to support Fan Yao. Zhang Yao said to her, "Hurry up and sit down and rest. We are not outsiders."

Fan Yao didn't have a bad temper, so she sat down. She knew that everyone was here for the wild vegetables, so she directed Zhang Yao to take out half a bag of wild vegetables. Wild vegetables are expensive to buy. As long as you are lucky enough to find a vegetable field on a mission, you can get a cent of interstellar coins. No need to spend money.

Therefore, it would be stingy not to differentiate.

Besides, Lan Qiao and Zhang Yao were not polite to Fan Yao either.

"The wild vegetables haven't grown yet." Fan Yao sat not far away and said, "There are all kinds of wild vegetables, but the quality is not very good. It is troublesome to choose vegetables. If you don't mind the trouble of choosing vegetables, just get more."

It was a big deal for Lan Qiao to get this, and she took three or four kilograms of it.

Luo Bi smiled. This was too unobtrusive. Fan Yao was even injured. Why did Lan Qiao have the nerve to take so much? Just ask for it. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. The combat team can use it to sell interstellar coins.

Lan Qiao's kind is nothing.

Zhang Yao and Fan Yao looked at each other. Fan Yao shook his head at Zhang Yao. Zhang Yao took a breath and said nothing. Lan Qiao was so rude, and Zhang Yao was a little bored and took less wild vegetables.

Zhang Yaobi showed it to Lan Qiao. As a relative, she didn't take much. How are you?

Oh, Zhang Yao thinks too much, Lan Qiao is so embarrassed, she is a second-rate, and she has always been indifferent. Fan Yao dug them from undeveloped planets anyway, so what happened to her taking an extra handful? Later, if she dug wild vegetables, she could share them with Fan Yao.

If Fan Yao asked Lan Qiao to take more, Lan Qiao would take more. She didn't understand the polite words at all.

Liang Qian took a look and found that fresh wild vegetables were very rare. She frowned at Lan Qiao and only grabbed a handful: "I just want to try them."

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