Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4819: Lucky

In the kitchen, there is the exotic beast meat that Hua Ran brought back.

The exotic beast meat of the second-level primary combat power, the exotic beast meat and the ribs together, weighed ten kilograms. In order to hunt this exotic beast, the thunder flame warriors of the Luo family were more or less injured.

Guan Zhuting washed it and planned to grill it for Hua Ran.

Luo Hang got up and prepared to go to the dungeon to buy some nutritious energy fruits and vegetables. After the thunder flame warriors fought, it was easy for the strong genes to be agitated. After returning from the mission, they had to use spiritual medicine to soothe the agitated strong genes.

Nutritious energy ingredients can also soothe the strong genes. Although the effect is slow, it is relatively peaceful. If conditions permit, it is better for the thunder flame warriors to eat some nutritious energy ingredients.

Luo Hang loves his children and is not bad to Hua Ran.

Luo Bi followed Zhang Luo anxiously: "I still have mud-spitting river clams at home. It has been a long time. It should not be disgusting. I will get it and let my mother fry it."

Luo Hang didn't stop it this time. Hua Ran was exhausted this time. Let's eat some river seafood.

Hua Ran was worried about those clansmen who had ulterior motives. A few medicinal plants and spiritual plants were nothing. There were also wild vegetables, but he had suffered a lot. Why should he give others what was his? He asked Luo Hang to go to the main house.

"Wild vegetables and mushrooms, father, bring back some if you think they are good." Hua Ran did not let his mother go. With Guan Zhuting's status as a second wife, she might not be able to bring anything back.

Luo Bi liked to eat wild vegetables. When her father went, Hua Ran was not worried at all that Luo Hang would come back.

Luo Hang went without saying anything: "Take advantage of this time to take a nap."

Luo Bi went home to get river clams, and Hua Ran closed his eyes and took a nap on the sofa.

Guan Zhuting took a blanket to cover Hua Ran, and went to the kitchen area to work.

Luo Bi quickly brought back two kilograms of river clams, as well as sour wild fruits. She hurriedly mixed them. She liked them very much and asked everyone in the family to try them. She ate the delicious wild fruits she bought.

Damn, the wild fruits are so precious.

I usually eat a few river clams when cooking. They haven't spit out all the mud and sand, so they are disgusting. There are still two kilograms left. Luo Bi guessed that they are still disgusting. I don't know how to cure them. The ones made by the Thunder Flame Warrior are not disgusting.

Luo Bi went to her mother's house and took the sour wild fruits to the living room in the yard and called Hua Ran.

Luo Bi put the sour wild fruits on the table, picked one and ate it, and opened the small river fresh basket to show Hua Ran: "Look at how to cure it? The river clams have been spitting out mud for a long time, why are they still disgusting after being cooked?!"

Hua Ran was energetic, threw away the blanket, glanced at the river clams, opened the storage bracelet, took out a piece of wood crystal stone and threw it in: "Okay, it will be spit out in half an hour."

Luo Bi took a closer look: "I ate a kilogram of disgusting ones."

Hua Ran didn't care: "It's okay."

Luo Bi took the river clams to the spring to get water. Hua Ran didn't sleep anymore and followed him to take a look. He was a little depressed. He worked hard to follow the mission but didn't eat the river clams. Luo Bi was still lucky!

The exotic beast meat was placed on the grill, sprinkled with seasoning, and the aroma was fragrant.

Luo Bi put down the small river fish basket and walked to the grill to find the roasted ones with golden brown skin. Guan Zhuting stepped aside and Hua Ran took over. There was roasted exotic beast meat, and Hua Ran and Luo Bi took it to eat.

Guan Zhuting was busy and prepared the ingredients, and immediately stir-fried river clams with spicy sauce.

"Did you harvest a lot of supplies?" Luo Bi asked.

She didn't really care, she just had nothing to say, and she couldn't stop talking while eating.

"Not much." Hua Ran answered while eating barbecue.

"Is it worth it?" Luo Bi asked.

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