Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4851 Without saying a word

Luo Xun was stunned: "Second-level jadeite?"

Luo Bi poked the whole rock: "Dig another piece and see if there is any more."

Luo Xun was still a little dazed, but if there was more, it would be even better. He could also show off to the children of the noble families who came to Zihuang Star. Luo Xun put the rough stone in the backpack and continued to dig without saying a word.

After a while, Luo Xun's eyes widened and he dug another piece.

Luo Bi was also surprised watching from the side. She didn't say anything, and Luo Xun didn't say anything either. The two of them watched and dug one by one. After digging a piece, they carefully put it in the bamboo basket.

Some of them dug a cut surface, revealing a trace of jadeite, and some of the rough stones were not cut, so it was unclear whether there was jadeite.

However, Luo Xun probably had an idea in his mind. He seemed to have found a nest of jadeite.

The two dug for jadeite in silence, and Luo Rui was annoyed. He stood up and took a hoe to take a look. Wow, there is a nest of jadeite in this place. No wonder they didn't say anything and made a fortune quietly.

"Good job, even I am hiding it." Luo Rui pretended to be angry.

Luo Bi made way. This piece of land was not hers, and she had no right to control it.

Luo Xun grinned: "I'm not stupid."

Luo Rui was not polite to Luo Xun. Luo Bi made way, and Luo Rui squatted down and also put down the hoe: "I'll dig two pieces, you kid, you guys didn't say anything if I didn't come over."

Luo Xun had nothing to say, and he competed with Luo Rui to dig jadeite. Whoever dug the most would get it. If he dug less, he would suffer.

Brothers can't do that either, Luo Xun said: "I'm not rich either."

Luo Rui didn't listen to Luo Xun's words: "Don't cry poor to me, I'll be jealous if I don't grab two pieces, what luck do you have, you can actually find a nest of jadeite."

Luo Xun also murmured in his heart, that's right, how can he be so lucky? !

Thinking of a possibility, Luo Xun's heart moved.

Luo Rui also thought of it, turned around and said to Luo Bi: "I'll go and show it later."

He said to show it on the hillside, no matter whether it is reliable or not, as long as he can dig up jadeite, let alone a nest, even if he digs up a second-level jadeite, Luo Rui will be satisfied.

Luo Bi: "······"

Luo Rui is in trouble, but it's hard to say, there's no hurry now, wait until this nest is cleaned up before talking.

Luo Xun got up, and after a short while, he brought back a stone-cutting machine.

Now it was good. Several people dug and unpacked one by one. After they finished digging, they unpacked all the raw stones. Luo Xun dug eleven first-grade low-quality jadeite and one second-grade medium-quality thunder jadeite.

Luo Rui dug less than Luo Xun, and they were all first-grade jadeite.

The two of them gave five jadeite to Luo Bi.

Luo Rui was excited and wanted to show it off. Luo Bi was speechless: "I don't know if you can do it, why don't you try it."

Luo Bi couldn't stop him, so he didn't care.

Luo Rui went to the hillside. Luo Xun collected the jadeite and went there in a hurry.

He came back after a while and found a place to dig, but there was nothing.

Luo Rui was confused, Luo Bi was helpless, her cousin couldn't do it, Luo Bi watched the fun from the side: "You can't do it, it's useless to try, I tell you, Yang Zaichong can do it."

Luo Rui became interested: "Really?"

Luo Bi looked at Luo Rui and said: "That's what I said."

Luo Rui thought about it and made a decision in a moment. He asked Luo Bi to find Yang Zaichong. Luo Xun dug a nest of jadeite stones, and wanted to continue to smash the stones one by one, but he couldn't do it, so he hurriedly followed.

Luo Xun didn't forget to run to tell Luo Huan. He didn't mention those mysterious things to Luo Huan, because he didn't know the answer yet.

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