Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4864 Raising such a thing

Luo Xun smiled sarcastically, not noticing the disdain on Luo Bi's lips.

If you leave a safe planet and go on a mission to an undeveloped planet, only those who have the conditions will pay attention to the comfort of life, such as a full range of spices, tables and chairs, etc.

The premise of all this is that the storage capacity is large, it does not cause trouble to others, or if you have a distinguished status, the Thunder Flame Warrior can consider it for you.

The Lu family's hunting team didn't bring any natural companions, so they just had free time at noon to hunt a strange beast and eat fresh meat. They didn't even bring tables and chairs in front of the spaceship, which was a bit extravagant.

Because they are different, you can think more.

She likes to bring tables and chairs, and with the strength of the Lu family's hunting team, she also brought them. It was probably Lu Cui's idea. I wonder how the people of the Lu family feel when they know that Lu Cui learned this habit.

Lu Cui is willing to learn from her in everything, but the Lu family may not be willing to do the same.

Who cares, whoever the Lu family leads the team to Zihuang Star, Luo Bi will let him get nothing, and deal with such a cheap time-traveling girl. Luo Bi used to be polite and set up an array, but now, there is no need.

Whatever benefits Lu Cui got, she took them all from the Lu family.

The time-traveling girl doesn't like to toss, okay, if she dies, it will be a dead end. Luo Bi doesn't want to kill her. The Lu family has raised such a thing, and they dare to come to the same planet with her.

Luo Bi sneered. How many interstellar coins did Lu Cui sell for planting and refining alchemy? The Lu family can't just treat it like nothing happened.

Doesn’t Lu Cui like to imitate her? Just learn it, Luo Bi will let her family eat dirt for the rest of their lives.

In the future interstellar world, without family support, it would be almost impossible to move forward.

"Are you full?" the child next to him said in a milky voice.

"You're full," said another child.

"Let's dig for jade stones."


Several children jumped off the rocks. The children were always energetic and became lively again after eating a meal.

After Yang Zaocao had eaten a few more things, he went to take stock of the supplies of the Lu family's hunting team. Spiritual plants and medicinal plants accounted for the majority, and there were more than 20 prey, mainly mutated rabbits, and the meat of the exotic animals was of good quality.

More than a dozen crystal stones and several bottles of elixir were divided among several families, and Luo Rui got a bottle of soothing elixir.

There are also two bags of plant nutrient soil.

"Oh, it's sold on Xingwang." The handsome Lei Yan warrior said.

This man looked like the son of a noble family. Luo Bi glanced at him and didn't recognize him, but she knew that he was a family captain who led a team to rob the Lu family. Judging from his demeanor, he must be someone who can be trusted in the family.

Luo Xun followed Luo Bi's eyes and introduced him, "He is Mou Xing, the young master of the Mou family. He is the same child as his cousin."

Luo Bi nodded, understanding, this man has strong genes.

"The nutritious soil made by Lu Cui." Tao Ting obviously knew more about it. He took out the nutritious soil and planned to share it later: "The selling price is not low. I heard that the sales are hot this winter."

Luo Bilue understood immediately after thinking about it. The Lei Yan warriors of the Lu family brought nutritious soil with them when they went on missions. They probably took the opportunity to sell it to the hunting teams and mercenary groups coming to Zihuang Star.

There were only a few storage rings, and two bags of plant nutrient soil were placed. Presumably, the other Thunder Flame Warriors in the Lu family still had nutrient soil in their storage containers. Damn, I had to grab all the storage containers.

Damn it, if you want to earn interstellar coins, you must be so lucky.

Luo Bi wanted to make the Lu family suffer, so she would scratch the skin of the Lu family if they bumped into her.

"Give me a few kilograms!" Luo Xun was worried that he wouldn't be able to grab it. There were only two bags. The quantity was too small and it wouldn't be enough to share among several stores. He said, "Give a few kilograms to my cousin too."

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