Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4907 Return to the Imperial Star

Zhan Xi was chatting with Luo Huan, and when he heard this, he sneered.

He said that this woman was scheming. This time he saw that she was really scheming and was good at cheating people. Zhan Hui couldn't say that he didn't like Luo Bi now. They could go on missions together, and Luo Bi didn't need to be worried about.

This was very different from what Zhan Hui thought of as scheming.

He thought Luo Bi was too calculating among women, but it seemed that it was not the case.

Luo Bi was so calculating that Luo Yuan couldn't even pick up the things that fell on the ground.

Luo Yuan was not scheming, well, Zhan Hui was a little worried.

Thunder Flame Warriors don't like women who are too calculating, but they don't have any at all, which is also worrying, just like a silly and sweet girl. If she was really silly and sweet, Zhan Hui would like her, but the problem is that Luo Yuan is not silly and sweet.

That is, she is not smart and not scheming enough.

Zhan Hui didn't want to say anything. He saw it this time. Putting Luo Bi and Luo Yuan together, Luo Yuan was a little dumber. Zhan Hui narrowed his eyes and didn't want to admit that Luo Yuan was dumber than Luo Bi.

He married her home, and found that she was dumber than Luo Bi...

The spaceship arrived at Zhihuang Star, the spaceship landed, and everyone got off the spaceship.

Luo Rui winked at Luo Qing: "Share some pork."

The wild boar that was hunted was not finished, Luo Qing understood, and asked a cousin to move a whole piece of pork to the spring in the yard, cut the pork, and gave one pound to each of the two cousins.

When it was given to Luo Bi, it was ribs.

Luo Bi didn't take it: "I don't want it."

Luo Qing pursed his lips, not knowing what to say to her: "Take it home and give it to the family."

That's fine, Luo Bi smiled and said: "I like to eat small ribs, this wild boar meat is not good, it's a bit fishy and not delicious."

This is childish, Luo Bi told her cousin that it was okay, if the aunt said it, Luo Qing and the others would be unhappy, the relationship is different, Luo Qing and the others don't care at all.

"Add more seasoning." A cousin said: "Good cooking skills, more seasoning, more chili, the fishy smell of wild boar meat will not be tasted."

Luo Bi didn't care how to cook it, and threw it home to her mother.

Luo Huan planned to rest and return to the Emperor Star immediately, so Luo Qing didn't ask the direct branch clansmen to come and share some ingredients. Fresh pork, back to the Emperor Star, each family also has to share it, there is no extra for the direct branch clansmen.

Luo Qing cut off three pounds and sent someone to deliver it to the main house.

Zhan Hui brought two kilograms of wild boar meat to the third room. He didn't compete with Luo Bi for the ribs. Thunder Flame Warriors usually don't haggle, unless it's rare meat, not wild boar meat.

Besides, the wild boar they hunted is only low-grade meat among wild boar meat.

The first room got wild boar meat, and Luo Jun came to this yard.

It's just a few steps, and he came here in a short time.

"I'm going home." Luo Bi said to Luo Rui and others.

Luo Rui nodded, and Luo Xun took the key of the floating luxury car and said, "I'll take you."

Luo Bi walked away and got on the floating luxury car. The two cousins ​​didn't leave, chatting, and didn't know what they were talking about. They just took the things and left. Luo Bi couldn't understand this kind of greeting.

Luo Xun sent Luo Bi home, said hello to Luo Hang and his wife, and went back.

A few bags of supplies were placed in the yard. As soon as Luo Xun left, Luo Hang and his wife set their eyes on the supplies.

Luo Bi kicked the bag: "Rotten vegetables, they have been left for several days, I guess they are all withered and yellow."

Wild vegetables cannot be kept, they will be in a mess after two days.

Luo Hang was too lazy to say anything to her. Guan Zhuting opened the bag and took a look. The wild vegetables were all wilted: "It's okay, pick them clean and eat them." (End of this chapter)

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