Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4911 Willing to spend interstellar coins

Otherwise, wild vegetables wouldn't be so expensive.

Guan Zhuting urged Luo Bi to go to bed. Luo Bi couldn't keep her eyes open. She went upstairs and fell asleep. The sound of rain was all around her. She opened the window, and the fresh wind blew into the house, making her sleep more soundly.

It rained heavily all night, and it didn't stop in the morning. It was drizzling.

Luo Hang and his wife got up in the morning, and didn't call the children. They had just returned from a mission. It was easy to imagine that they didn't eat well or sleep well on an undeveloped planet. Naturally, they slept enough when they got home.

The couple made breakfast quietly, trying not to make any noise. After dinner, Luo Hang went to the underground city, and Guan Zhuting continued to pick the remaining wild vegetables, divided two pounds, sent them to the Zhu family, and brought back a few cucumbers.

After putting the cucumbers away, Guan Zhuting continued to pick wild vegetables.

Luo Bi woke up, washed up, changed into her pre-wedding clothes and went downstairs.

At this time, the rain was falling slowly, moderate rain, but lighter than moderate rain. It had rained heavily all night, and the plants in the yard were green, and the delicate flowers were swaying in the rain.

Luo Bi came to the kitchen area, and Luo Hang and his wife were busy.

"Cooking bean pods." Luo Bi asked.

"How did you know?" Guan Zhuting was surprised.

Luo Bi said coquettishly: "I smell the smell of cooking bean pods."

Guan Zhuting laughed: "Why is your nose so good?"

Luo Hang had only one child, so he naturally held her in his hands. He went to the underground city early in the rain and picked out the ingredients that Luo Bi liked. Although the bean pods were expensive, he still bought two kilograms.

Luo Hang's interstellar coins were all spent on buying ingredients for his child.

The mission was imminent, and Luo Hang also urgently needed to improve his combat power.

Guan Zhuting didn't know what to say. Luo Hang was willing to spend interstellar coins, and she couldn't stop him.

Then, Hua Ran went downstairs to go out, and Guan Zhuting said: "The ingredients have been made, eat and go out."

Hua Ran thought about it for a while and decided not to go out for the time being.

The ingredients were served on the table, and the family sat down to eat, eating earlier than usual lunch.

Luo Bi loves to eat boiled bean pods, and ate a lot of bean pod skins in one meal. Luo Hang and his wife and Hua Ran only tasted them, and there were still a lot left. Guan Zhuting didn't touch them, and packed them up after the meal and took them back to Luo Bi.

There were also cucumbers, river fish, and wild vegetables given by the Zhu family, all of which were packed up by Luo Bi.

When the rain stopped, Luo Bi drove the sports car home.

When carrying the basket of ingredients upstairs, Luo Bi met Lan Qiao and Fan Yao. Seeing Luo Bi's dress, they were surprised. Lan Qiao's eyes were excited, and she subconsciously curled her lips.

"Why haven't I seen you for a while?" Fan Yao greeted.

Luo Bi smiled politely: "I went to play with my cousin."

Lan Qiao joined in the fun: "I was wondering why I didn't see you."

Luo Bi had nothing to say, and after greeting, Luo Bi took the opportunity to go upstairs.

After Luo Bi left, Lan Qiao said to Fan Yao: "Look at what she's wearing, she doesn't look rich."

"I thought she came from a wealthy family." Fan Yao said.

"I thought she came from a wealthy family too." Lan Qiao whispered to Fan Yao: "Luo Yan said Luo Bi's family was average, not wealthy. Look at what Luo Yan is wearing, all new styles of the season."

Luo Bi lived in her parents' home, and came back wearing clothes she wore before she got married. Lan Qiao looked happy to find out that her family was average. Zhang Wuer liked to compare with Luo Bi, and this time Luo Bi was inferior.

Lan Qiao had no ill intentions, she just liked to gossip about family matters and was a big mouth.

Luo Bi returned home, closed the door, and went to the balcony.

After being caught in the rain, her clothes were damp, so Luo Bi took a bath and changed into a dress that Feng Ling bought her last year. (End of this chapter)

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