Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4923 Who do you want to rely on?

Luo Bi was speechless: "Is that Liang Qian's child?"

Lan Qiao was stunned: "No."

It's definitely not the case. Luo Bi sneered: "Last time, her parents accused her and were dissatisfied with her. A thousand times it was good, but once it was bad, they blamed her. She was not well-raised. This time she asked Liang Qian to use interstellar coins to buy Awakening. Potion, will Liang Qian give out the interstellar coins?”

If you take too much care of your mother's family, you can't expect her to have an outburst.

Anyway, Luo Bi is not optimistic about Liang Qian.

Lan Qiao was helpless: "Liang Qian thought of it, but she doesn't have interstellar coins!"

Luo Bi smiled. The Talented Covenant wanted to go further, which itself consumed a lot of Star Coins and required a large amount of resources. If the Thunder Flame Warriors didn't support them, Liang Qian herself would be tight-lipped and there would be no extra Star Coins to give to her mother's family.

And buying the awakening potion is not a small sum of money.

When Guan Wei didn't transfer the interstellar coins to Liang Qian, Liang Qian was dumbfounded.

It's good to take care of her mother's family, but she has no intention of doing so. Guan Wei deserves to be a child of a rich family, and his brain is very good.

Luo Bi is just a spectator, but she sides with Guan Wei.

Liang Qian wants to take care of her family and earn interstellar coins by herself! Who do you want to count on?

Guan Wei valued his wife and did not play tricks with Liang Qian. The entire Liang family thought that Guan Wei was stupid and could support the family unconditionally. Liang Qian was good-looking, but she was not a fairy.

While chatting and having fun, Luo Bi's temper got angry again.

"Are mutant vegetables growing in your farmland again?" Lan Qiao changed the topic and thought about food.

Luo Bi understood this immediately and said with a smile: "There are no mutant vegetables growing, and several fruit trees are almost dead. I am too lazy to take care of them."

"Really?" Lan Qiao didn't believe it. She stood up and saw that Luo Bi didn't move. Lan Qiao sat back and came up with a clever idea: "Use some plant nutrients. It's a pity that the fruit trees have died."

Luo Bi poured cold water on her: "The planters can't grow it, what can I do?"

After saying that, he asked Lan Qiao to go to the planting field. It's not that he didn't believe it. He just took a look and felt at ease.

The leaves of the red fruit tree were wilted and half-dead. Lan Qiao looked distressed: "It looks like it is short of water. Please pour some water. The sun is poisonous in summer, and the vegetable and fruit trees do not get sunlight, so there is a lack of water and drought."

Luo Bi listened to Lan Qiao's advice and took a bucket of water to water the red fruit tree.

If you still can't live like this, it's not because Luo Bi is not trying her best.

Lan Qiao has three acres of planting land at home, and she knows a lot about planting. She observed it for a while, and then went to the planting field with Luo Bi. The red fruit trees were planted in planting pots and placed next to the rocks and flowing water.

When I arrived at the planting field, I saw that there were only a dozen purple grape fruit trees left, and the others were all dead.

Lan Qiao felt extremely distressed: "Aren't you going to water it? It's not easy to plant a fruit tree."

"My cousin and I didn't water the water when we went outside the safety zone." Luo Bi checked and felt a little distressed. It was not certain how many of the remaining trees would survive. After Lan Qiao's kindness, Luo Bi said: "It should be the soil. It’s time to change.”

Lan Qiao frowned sadly and checked the planting field. There were only a few mutant vegetables: "Changing the soil is troublesome. My family has not changed the soil for this reason, and the vegetable crops grown are not growing well."

No one is a professional planter, so no one takes great efforts to change the soil in the planting field.

After taking a look at it, Lan Qiao stopped thinking. Luo Bi's planting field did not grow mutant vegetables. She didn't believe it before, but now she believes it, so she should take a look to save trouble.

Planting is not easy, just kidding. (End of chapter)

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