Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4926: No one points at her

Fortunately, when the sergeant went over, it was already close to evening.

The sergeant only helped to clean up, and Luo Bi and Guan Zhuting went home.

Luo Bi only stayed in the planting field for an afternoon. Some of the garrison family members were surprised. Luo Bi looked delicate and weak, and she didn't look like someone who could do farm work. Unexpectedly, she could actually go to the fields to harvest in summer.

Feeling surprised, several garrison family members who knew her had a guess that Feng Ling didn't like Luo Bi that much.

"It's just a marriage, how much can you like her."

"Yes, after awakening the innate ability, who would go to the fields to do farm work."

"No sunscreen, just stay in the sun all afternoon."

"It's better to wear a sun hat."

Several women chatted and worried about their endless worries.

In fact, there was no need to worry about it. Luo Bi didn't need others to worry about her. She was willing to be in the sun. It wasn't summer harvest. She would like to be in the sun more at other times. It's useless for the idle people to worry about it.

However, she rarely did farm work. After half a day, she was exhausted and had no ideas.

After returning home, Luo Bi leaned on the sofa and didn't want to move, closing her eyes for a nap.

Feng Ling came back, put the lunch box she brought back on the dining table, walked over and sat down, holding Luo Bi in her arms: "Don't go to the fields tomorrow, you are weak and can't do farm work."

Luo Bi followed her heart: "I will go again."

Feng Ling: "······"

Feng Ling said: "I will send a sergeant."

Luo Bi looked up and looked at the handsome man: "If you have this free time, you might as well send a sergeant to go on a mission and collect more supplies. Everyone will benefit. The output of the cultivated fields is too small, and it is not worth it for a sergeant to go to the fields to work."

Feng Ling was speechless and simply dealt with it coldly: "Eat."

Luo Bi got up from Feng Ling's arms and went to the sink to wash her hands. There were four dishes and one soup on the dining table, for two people. As long as Feng Ling handled it, it was nutritious and energetic ingredients.

The price must be not cheap, Luo Bi was very concerned, but she didn't ask.

It would be painful to ask, so it's better not to ask.

In fact, she ate the same ordinary ingredients, but the taste was not good.

After dinner, Feng Ling cleaned up the table and sent Luo Bi to sleep. After working in the planting field for an afternoon, Luo Bi was very sleepy and exhausted. She fell asleep as soon as she lay down.

Feng Ling came to the balcony and Luo Hang, who had given the task, called a communication.

Feng Ling didn't say anything else, just asked about the task, and then mentioned that Luo Bi went to work in the field. When Luo Hang heard it, he called Hua Ran to finish the task and return to Zhihuang Star early the next morning.

Luo Bi and Guan Zhuting had just arrived at the planting field, and Luo Hang and his son arrived later.

Luo Bi was surprised: "Why are you back?"

"Summer harvest." Luo Hang started to harvest.

Hua Ran put a wristband on her wrist and took a sickle to harvest from another ridge.

Guan Zhuting breathed a sigh of relief, and Luo Bi was so happy that she didn't know what to do. Since she was a child, as long as the Thunder Flame Warrior was at home, she didn't rely on her to work, but there were times when her father and brother were not at home, and farm work could be exhausting.

"What else do I do?" Luo Bi asked.

Luo Hang didn't need her: "You go home."

Luo Bi didn't want to leave. With the Thunder Flame Warriors, the harvest speed was fast.

Soon, the family members of the garrison found that Luo Bi had performed well yesterday, but today he sat on the ground and put down his pole. It was not clear from a distance, and it was unclear what Luo Bi was fiddling with.

When he met Luo Bi on his way home, someone asked him: "What are you doing sitting on the ground?"

Luo Bi thought, there is nothing she can't say, anyway, everyone said she was delicate: "Feeding ants."

The woman who asked the question was so angry that she fell backwards. Everyone else was busy, and Luo Bi was feeding ants. How annoying! So angry. (End of this chapter)

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