Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 4994 Feeding the Pigs

It is useless for the gifted students to come if they have no fighting power.

However, if Huang Xinling and the others are not angry, they can pick up the killed sand bulls. They can't just leave them alone. When the teams from the academy come, they will see that they are all killed sand bulls. That will be a big event.

Xue Zhijiao was very depressed when he heard that Zhu Su counted all the gifted students. The fighting class is not rich. They don't have everything they want. If the fighting team has energy guns, the gifted students can also help.

Luo Bi asked again: "When will Huang Chao arrive?"

Wen Xiao looked at the terminal: "Ten minutes."

I will call the communication later to urge Huang Chao to arrive faster. At this time, the gifted students are a burden. They are too delicate to endure hardships and will be a drag on the journey.

Luo Bi fiddled with the storage bracelet and asked, "Can I trick the sand bulls now?"

Wu Cheng was impatient: "Let's hunt first."

Wen Xiao estimated the time and the combat power of their Thunder Flame Warriors to see if they could control the situation. Zhu Su was also calculating silently and thought it was feasible, but he was afraid that Luo Bi would brag.

Trick all the sand bulls out at once?

Zhu Su smiled and waited and saw.

Wen Xiao nodded: "Trick them."

Luo Bi asked Xue Zhijiao for a small pot and a cooking spoon. Zhu Su and Wen Xiao twitched their eyebrows and did not move their faces. Wu Cheng blinked and thought, gosh, you are not really going to feed rock sugar? ! The pot and the cooking spoon were taken out.

Boiling rock sugar, Wu Cheng knew that boiled rock sugar was delicious.

A small pot and a cooking spoon led Wu Cheng astray.

Who asked Luo Bi to trick the sand bulls into eating rock sugar? No wonder Wu Cheng thought so.

With equipment in hand, Luo Bi said those unsure words to everyone: "I'll try. If I can't fool them, you guys can fool them one by one."

Okay, let's all watch her fool them.

Anyway, they have no tricks and can't figure out a way.

Wu Cheng thought of a way, to boil rock sugar, but he didn't say much. Luo Bi had already taken out the pot and spoon, so there was no need for him to talk nonsense. The next operation was clear at a glance.

Luo Bi took the pot and spoon and was about to start, but when he saw everyone, he told them: "Get ready to kill the sand bull!"

Wen Xiao nodded, Luo Bi observed for a while, this position is not good, run to the middle position quickly.

Wen Xiao and others took a look and followed.

Luo Bi took the cooking spoon and knocked the pot, trying not to laugh, and raised her voice to fool the pig: "Lao lao lao, your mother is here, she bought you rock sugar, lao lao lao, your mother is here, she bought you rock sugar..."

This operation directly confused the Leiyan Warrior.

Early in the morning, everyone was in a mess in the wind. I thought they were going to fool me. It was okay to make rock sugar without buying it. The pots and spoons were all out, but this happened.

Feeding the pigs? ! !

The Thunder Flame Warrior was still confused. The sand bulls in the sand pits were fooled by this. One by one, they ran out of the sand pits, coughing and choking. They were choked to death. It was so spicy.

They ran out of the nest and turned around. Where is the rock sugar?

"Damn..." Wen Xiao was in a panic and ordered everyone: "Hurry up and hunt."

"Oh my god!" Bai Juan didn't know which one to kill.

Zhu Su and the others saw it, their eyes lit up, and they scattered.

The child's eyes and hands were panicked. He wanted to kill them all. He opened his mouth and was about to shout excitedly, but someone next to him hit the child and scolded: "Shut up."

The child shut his mouth and followed the Thunder Flame Warrior to kill the sand bulls in a hurry.

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