Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5006 Wishful Thinking

Bai Juan: "······"

The child had nothing to say.

The weak one was helped down the rocky mountain. As long as it went down the slope, it was okay to walk in the rain. It's just that the vegetation on the road is covered with rainwater, and the heavy rain from the sky makes the progress a little slow.

Arriving at the hunting ground, it was no longer possible to hide the truth from the talented students. It would not be appropriate to send them all away in the rain.

Xue Zhijiao looked at Wen Xiao and took out a small pot and a cooking spoon. Wen Xiao didn't stop him, so Wu Cheng didn't hesitate to send away Huang Xinling and several talented students.

Zhu Su took over, he was very active in this work.

It was raining less now, and it was around four o'clock in the morning. It was a bit dark because of the cloudy sky.

Luo Bi called everyone and walked towards the gathering place of several college teams: "Let's go hunting at the gathering place of those college teams first, then wait for other teams to come to the hunting ground, and then we will go back to the gathering place of fighting teams. "

Wen Xiao, Zhu Su and Huang Chaolue can understand the calculation in it as soon as they think about it. Those who don't understand it probably don't understand it.

Luo Bi had already mentioned it, but she still didn't understand. It would be useless to talk more. Regardless of whether she understood or didn't understand, she had no objection to where to start hunting first and followed her to other gathering places.

Walking to about the middle of several gathering places, Luo Bi stood still: "That's it."

She knew Luo Bi's plan best, and she made the decision herself.

Everyone stopped and saw that Huang Xinling had opened a small defensive cover, as well as Zhu Qiqi, Wang Haozhe, and Little Clay Pot. Although their defensive covers were not as good as Huang Xinling's defensive cover, they were definitely not protected from the rain.

Luo Bi removed the protective cover, and now the rain was lightening.

Zhu Su tapped the pot with a cooking spoon and called out to Lala Lala without any ambiguity: "Lala Lala, your mother is here and she has bought you rock candy. Lala Lala, your mother is here and she has bought you rock candy." coming······"

After the words fell, Sha Tu Niu coughed, and Ah Jiu Ah Jiu ran out of the sand nest.

Huang Xinling and others were shocked and dumbfounded: "???????"

The little clay pot's eyes widened: "..."

Luo Bi made a visual inspection, with a smile in her eyes. Xue Zhijiao quickly took out the energy liquid and distributed it. Bai Juan took the energy liquid and jumped up: "Wow, there are just as many as yesterday morning, so many sandy cows."

Wen Xiao and Zhu Su didn't ask for energy liquid from Xue Zhijiao. They brought energy liquid with them. They took it out at this time, quickly drank it and launched supernatural attacks, trying to win the battle as quickly as possible.

As soon as the rain stops, other teams will arrive to hunt.

Start hunting now, and by five-thirty or six o'clock, a team should arrive from the garrison. Their hunting time is very tight, and this has all been deceived. It would be a pity to lose one.

Whether it's a Thunder Flame warrior or a child, they are all obsessed with money now.

The formulated combat strategy was no longer useful. Wen Xiao and Zhu Su led the team like an eagle catching a chicken. Wherever they scraped, everyone behind them ran behind them. When they scraped away, no one was left behind.

It's a beautiful thought, but there are several local cattle that slipped through the net.

"Pei Yang, go pick it up." Wen Xiao arranged.

Pei Yang retired from the army and wielded his small jade sword to kill the missed ones. Talented students such as Luo Bi and Huang Xinling followed the team to pick up the killed sand cattle, killing one by one.

You must not be left behind by the hunting team, otherwise you will kill too many sand cows and you will not be able to pick them up.

Luo Bi took advantage of the opportunity to fool some people.

Oh my god, Wen Xiao and Zhu Su panicked and killed them immediately. (End of chapter)

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