Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5008 They are all the ones you look up to

The child took the elixir, and his little head was no longer so confused.

For the children of the fighting team, they care a lot about the ranking of the mission, and collecting materials must be the top priority. The fighting team has a certain status and has obtained more resources from the academy.

Luo Bi is not interested in the resources of the academy, so he is not in a hurry.

When everyone took a breath, they were still excited. Luo Bi was not low-key and arranged for the guards to leave first: "You go to the gathering place, and the fighting team members will go back later."

All going back is suspicious. It is strange that the whole team stayed in the hunting gathering place in the rain in the early morning and did not go anywhere. Whether it is collecting mushrooms or digging wild vegetables, they should not stay in one place.

Besides, the gathering place of the fighting team is poor in materials, and there are not many mushrooms and wild vegetables.

If the materials are rich, they would have been robbed long ago.

It is not right to stay in other people's gathering places. They left as soon as the academy team came. Those who are quick-witted must think too much. It is meaningless to stay in other people's gathering places and not leave. It is impossible to pretend.

Could it be that he was staring at the ground in a daze?

This hunting ground does not produce wild vegetables or mushrooms, but there are many common varieties of medicinal plants. No matter which one, there is none in the basket or the backpack. It is not packed properly, and it is too late to dig it now.

Everyone has a rough idea of ​​the planet's terrain and the distribution of material varieties. If the quantity you collect is not right and the difference is large, it would be strange if people are not suspicious. Therefore, it is not bad to make some arrangements.

"Okay." Wen Xiao and others left.

Their steps were slow, and they took the opportunity to slow down. Damn, they were exhausted.

"I'll take a break." Bai Juan found a small rock to sit down.

Zhu Qiqi was tired and drooped, but his eyes were bright, looking into the distance: "Don't rest, they are coming."

The gathering place where they were was the Feiyang Combat Team. Several children stretched their necks to look. When they saw several college teams coming from afar, the staggering children immediately got up.

"Let's go." Luo Bi called the children to leave.

Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng followed, and when several college teams arrived at the hunting grounds, they saw the kids from the Douzhan team leaving, and they knew that the Douzhan team had taken advantage of their absence to dig wild vegetables and collect mushrooms at their gathering place.

The hunting gathering place was only divided by the teams, and it was fine for others to collect supplies when the teams were not there.

There were a few people who liked to squeeze and shove people, and wanted to make some ridicule, but unfortunately they were far away and couldn't run over to laugh at them, so they had to give up. Such people were bad at heart, and the people in the team couldn't help but ridicule the Douzhan team.

"If you are so weak, you shouldn't be in the same hunting ground with us." A gifted student said, "You should be with a team of your own strength. The Douzhan team is so far behind. How dare they compete with us for supplies?"

The captain of the Qingyao team glanced at the gifted student and didn't mind letting the gifted student of the Feiyang team face reality: "Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng have strong innate genes, and those little ones, when they grow up, they will all be the ones you look up to."

This gifted student didn't find a companion who agreed with her, and was actually criticized by the powerful captain of the Qingyao team. She was a little embarrassed and annoyed. It was not difficult to understand what the Leiyan Warrior said, that is, he looked down on her.

Just those few children, she still looks up to them? !

"At such a young age, you have to grow up before you can talk about looking up to them." The gifted student said viciously.

She wished that the child would die on the Shatu Star.

The captain of the Qingyao team didn't respond and strode forward with the team. (End of this chapter)

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