Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5027: Unable to Give Birth

A few people took a look, the academy team was just talking nonsense, not taking action.

They were stoking each other, but they just didn't do it themselves.

If they didn't take action, then there was no need to pay attention. Luo Bi retracted her gaze. Now Zhu Su didn't need to answer him or be shameless. Xue Wan, Zhu Su had heard a little bit about it, this is a troublemaker.

She kept yelling about pretending to be awesome and slapping people in the face, cleaning up her best relatives, and leading the team to fight planets.

Luo Bi glanced at Wu Cheng and corrected him: "Please bring Qi Lu with you. These two are the same kind of people. Qi Lu's trumpet is about to be useless, so he must go to the Douzhan team to scold, so don't think that only Xue Wan went to the Douzhan team to scold."

Wu Cheng nodded and remembered: "If she learns from you, she will learn from you. I just don't understand why she came here to scold? There are so many powerful talent masters in the talent world, why do they always stare at you?!"

Luo Bi laughed and said directly: "She just doesn't want me to stay in the talent master academy. Think about it, whether they learn from me or refine, they all have my shadow, There are traces to follow. I have always been here, but they are so anxious. As long as I leave, they can let go and take all my things for themselves. I have always been here. As long as you pay attention, you will know that they are refining and learning from me. They are eager for me to leave the Talent Contract Master Academy. "

"As long as I leave, the things I refine will become theirs, but unfortunately..." Luo Bi smiled evilly: "Damn, I am here to bother them and make them anxious. Refining and learning from me, but they don't want to bear this reputation, wishful thinking."

Wen Xiao and Wu Cheng thought about it for a while and understood, thinking about it.

Now Zhu Su completely understood and said: "Stupid and vicious."

Luo Bi smiled and reminded Wen Xiao and Wu Cheng: "Remember, in the future, when they go to the Zhihuangxing platform and the Douzhan team platform to curse, all their purpose is only one, that is, they want me to leave, so that they can let go and refine and learn from me, and learn from the beginning, they are so greedy."

Wu Cheng covered his mouth and felt sick and wanted to vomit. How could the Xue family have such a thing.

After thinking it over, it is indeed the case.

Whose things are being robbed? Only Luo Bi can see clearly, and she is sure to catch them once she catches them. She doesn't run to the Zhihuangxing platform and the Douzhan team platform to scold without a purpose, so she is stupid and vicious.

Luo Bi thought of having children and smiled: "I'm going to tell you something, don't be unhappy to hear it."

Wen Xiao didn't care: "You say it."

Luo Bi risked it and said: "Thunder Flame Warriors with strong innate genes can't have children. Feng Ling has strong genes and is strong, so let's not talk about it. Xue Wan also chose Zhang Ji, who has no children, to marry. She said she can have children, just to see if I can have children. How will Feng Ling treat me? Then she lived that kind of life. Unfortunately, I can't have children. Let her figure out the kind of life she wants!"

Wen Xiao thought Luo Bi was talking about something, but she actually mentioned having children. This is the reverse scale of the Thunder Flame Warriors with strong innate genes. When this was said, Wen Xiao, Zhu Su, and Wu Cheng's faces turned green.

If Luo Bi hadn't said it before, Wu Cheng would be angry with Luo Bi.

Okay, let's stop talking here, no one is saying anything.

After talking too much, Luo Bi also has a purpose for saying these things, that is, someone uses a small account to scold, no need to wonder, this is the bitch who refines and learns from her is angry that Luo Bi does not leave the Talent Contract Master Academy.

She was anxious, so she ran to scold.

If Luo Bi didn't explain clearly, I would still be wondering, the bitch has this purpose.

Waiting for Luo Bi to leave, they can steal freely, thinking that no one knows.

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