Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5029 You can die if you want

Bai Juan choked and glared: "He can't do it."

Rice Doudou is only used by children.

"Are we the only ones?" Pei Yang asked nervously.

Luo Bi pointed at the child who falsely reported that he was two years old: "Just him, let's watch the battle."

Pei Yang: "······"

Bai Juan: "······"

"Let's go." Without saying a word, Luo Bi took a step and left.

The children quickly followed, asking how to hunt with their little mouths.

Not far away, Luo Bi changed her mind and took out another saliva bag and gave it to Bai Juan.

Little Fatty Baijuan's eyes suddenly widened, and he took it, his little face couldn't hold back his joy, this was a formation weapon, he was young, and he sometimes used it for meals.

"You two go up, let's fight quickly." Luo Bi didn't like Mo Ji: "The last one took half an hour. You two go up this one, how can you save time? Hurry and pick one up and take it back."

Bai Juan became arrogant and said to Pei Yang next to him, "Bring it to me."

Pei Yang helped and brought some food, while Bai Juan and Mou Xu rushed forward.

When I got closer, I realized that this ostrich beast was picking up the sand on the ground and eating it. It pecked one, and it was crunchy. The ostrich beast, which was like a small mountain, was eating happily and flying low.

Killing an owl beast made me bold, but when I got closer, I felt inexplicably scared.

Guessing that the distance was close and there was a way out, Luo Bi asked her children to go up the mountain and found a convenient location for hunting. Bai Juan hurriedly introduced the superpower to Shui Pao.

Then the hunting begins, ah wu suppression, bah bah water ball.

Then he started feeding the food, without even picking it up. The child poked a sand cow and fed it to it, then wiped its beak. The thunder power sizzled around the beak, and the owl beast chirped and purred. wings.

This owl beast is so unlucky that it can't even run away after being teased by a child.

Not far away, various forces were making noisy noises, and the college team was even more aggressive. They kept saying that the fighting team had picked it up and that it must be distributed to other college teams.

"Do you have the nerve to ask for the things you picked up?" someone asked.

Wu Cheng scolded him: "You pick one and I'll take a look."


Xue Zhi snorted with disdain.

Xue Zhi, Xue Zhijiao, and Wu Cheng fought back one by one. Behind them were the Lin family guards protecting the prey, as well as Xue Zhi's first team of birds of prey, and the academy team of Wu Cheng's cousins.

Wen Xiao stayed for a while, feeling uneasy, jumped off the owl beast and went to find Luo Bi and the others.

Zhu Su also jumped down and left with Wen Xiao.

This was a wise decision, thanks to Zhu Su following Wen Xiao.

As I walked around the hill, I heard a "bang" sound, the sound of birds and animals hitting the ground.

Why is it said to be the sound of birds and animals hitting the ground? There is no other reason for this. The snatched owl beast hit the ground like this. I heard this sound just now, and now I heard this sound again.

The team in this area was stunned and turned their heads to look over there in confusion.

Wen Xiao and Zhu Su ran over quickly and saw another owl beast being killed. The Thunder Flame warriors were very surprised. Luo Bi and the others stood not far from the dead owl beast, observing whether the bird was dead or not. die.

"Are you dead?" Luo Bi didn't dare to go over and turned to ask Wen Xiao and Zhu Su.

"Oh, forget it if I can kill you, why did you kill another one?!" Zhu Su was extremely happy, happy and complaining at the same time. He ran towards the owl beast and went around the bird's head to check: "It's completely dead. ”

After the words fell, Zhu Su was happy and uneasy at the same time.

Wen Xiao said to him: "Hurry up and bring half of the troops."

Zhu Su ran away.

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