Each team has a gifted student, and where they are there is bound to be quarrels.

They are all spoiled with tempers, and they are generally not harmonious when they get together.

Fortunately, the gifted students just followed their team to eat for free. It was the little Thunder Flame Warrior who helped to protect the prey, and the gifted students did not help, so they did not make much trouble.

They were not confident and just had a bad temper.

The little Thunder Flame Warrior took a look and was too lazy to care.

Luo Bi walked away and tried not to join in the quarrels. In this way, she had nothing to do with the quarrels. If she joined in wherever there was a lot of noise, she would definitely hurt the innocent. They were all young and very noisy.

The ingredients were only about 20 kilograms of Moo Moo beast meat, which was not a lot, and there was also a basket of fish. The rest were vegetables and fruits. The guards who followed the team hunted a few prey in the surrounding area, which was enough for everyone to have a hearty meal.

They started to prepare in the afternoon, and the atmosphere was lively while they cleaned up.

The team from the Imperial Star does not need the little Thunder Flame Warrior to take care of it. The Talented Contract Master Academy is rich, well-equipped, and has sufficient food. Now they are just touching two rare owls, so how can they have time to eat.

Luo Bi and Mu Xu went there for a stroll and found out how shocked the chief instructor Lin Yanchong was after he knew that a owl had been hunted. The chief instructor was not vague and immediately told Lu Xianyu and the head of the Lin family.

The head of the Lin family is over a hundred years old, wise and shrewd, and immediately thought that the children could not protect the prey.

The head of the Lin family immediately mobilized the family team. Lin Yanchong was confident. The students he brought were powerful, which was the chief instructor's greatest confidence. Lin Yanchong strode to the headquarters of the Talented Contract Master Academy to see the general.

When General Xiao Chi heard this, he immediately transferred an elite force to Lin Yanchong without any hesitation.

The general gave the treatment of the ordinary class in the primary school district and promoted it to a higher level. The general of the Fengyao Empire Talented Contract Master Academy naturally thought that the strength of the fighting team could not protect the prey.

The spaceships assigned to Lin Yanchong were all of high defense and grade. They were arranged quickly. It took less than three hours to reach the Sand Planet after a five-hour flight.

In the eyes of Admiral Xiao Chi, the Fighting Team has been promoted from the bottom to the top 50.

Before, the Admiral only knew Lin Yanchong and didn't know the Fighting Team. Now it's good, he remembers it.

Just as he remembered the little transparent class, Lin Yanchong's communication to report his merits was soon dialed to the Admiral. He had to report his merits. When he went there, he thought it was an owl beast, but when he went there, he found that there was an extra one.

This must be told to the Admiral. When Admiral Xiao Chi heard it, he was really surprised.

With the strength of the fighting team, this is already the limit. The admiral asked: "Does your fighting team continue to collect supplies?"

Lin Yanchong thought: "I want to ask them."

Admiral Xiao Chi did not wait for Lin Yanchong to ask, hung up the communication, and immediately dispatched a medium-sized luxury mission spaceship to the fighting team. Whether the fighting team continued to collect supplies or not, the treatment of the Talent Contract Master Academy was given.

This spaceship was a surprise for the fighting team that competed with others for spaceships. It was so comfortable to send.

The rocky mountain near the hunting ground was immediately opened up as a suitable place for garrisoning. It was bustling until dark. The Talent Contract Master Academy also had a lieutenant general officer supervisor and a financial officer coming with the spaceship.

Wu Cheng watched from a distance and said to Luo Bi secretly: "This lieutenant general and financial officer are both very prestigious."

This time, the college team went out on a mission to collect supplies, and the financial officer sent a lot.

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