Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5041 Everyone is depressed

There was a slight breeze on the Sand Planet at night, and the temperature dropped slightly, making it a little cooler.

The rocky mountain was inlaid with low-level obsidian, which was very small and dim, adding a bit of coolness to the night. The Emperor Star Talent Contract Master Academy brought large obsidian, and it was of high level, but it would not be wasted on the rocky mountain.

The night wind blew, and looking at the Sand Planet, only the place below where the prey was counted was extremely bright.

Those were two fist-sized obsidians.

Not long after, Huang Xinling and others ran down from the spaceship.

Xue Yu wanted to cry, was angry, and felt funny, so all kinds of emotions were mixed together. Tears were clearly flowing in his eyes, but his face was very funny, and he was still saying depressed words.

Let him make trouble, Xue Zhijiao and others ignored Xue Yu.

It’s not good to say harsh words, the more you coax him, the more excited he is, and they all wait for Huang Xinling to save the situation.

"Isn't it right?" Huang Xinling paused in his running.

The living room here is a distance away from the spaceship given by Emperor Star. Luo Bi looked at Huang Xinling and stopped, squinting her eyes. What's the matter? Don't make trouble. Are you going to sleep tonight? !

Bai Juan and Zhu Qiqi stopped, and Bai Juan asked: "What's wrong?"

"The cooking spoon." Huang Xinling shouted.

Huang Xinling was too active, and his hands were empty, and he didn't even take the cooking spoon.

This can't be forgotten. Bai Juan was about to run back to the spaceship, and his little brain turned: "It's in the opened kitchen area."

Several children ran to the opened living room. At this time, everyone in the living room stayed in twos and threes. The gifted students almost went to rest. It's not that they are sleepy, but mainly because they don't want to see Xue Ying possessed.

The gifted students kept crying like this, and there was no one to say. They were annoyed.

Some of them had other ideas, such as taking the opportunity to climb up to the Xue family. They didn't go to bed at this time, but they didn't stay in the living room. They pretended to find a windy place to cool off and chat.

Even if it's just wasting time, it's a favor.

If you understand, it's okay to sleep a little later.

When Huang Xinling came, the eyes of several little Thunder Flame Warriors lit up. They didn't know what was going on. They were depressed to spend time with Xue Yi like this, and they talked in low voices.

Luo Bi was sharp-eyed, but didn't see the cooking spoon, so she turned around to look for it: "Where's the cooking spoon?"

Wu Cheng's cousin Wu Zhan was closest to the kitchen area, close to the edge of the living room. He was very active and got up and walked quickly to the kitchen: "There's one in the kitchen area, I'll get it."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xue Yi's good brother asked Huang Xinling: "Do you know magic?"

Interstellar humans know about magicians, but they only know. To put it bluntly, they just heard about it and don't understand anything. Because they don't understand, Xue Yi's good brother doesn't believe it at all. At the moment, he has to believe it.

"I know it." Huang Xinling said it right away.

The answer was too fast, and Xue Yi's good brother hesitated, but didn't say anything.

Soon, Wu Zhan brought a cooking spoon and handed it to Huang Xinling. Huang Xinling was immediately happy. Everyone saw it and felt even more uneasy. Everyone in the living room perked up.

Xue Yu stopped crying. Huang Xinling took the cooking spoon and stood in front of him. He looked at Xue Yu seriously for a few times, and then looked for the door. There was no door in the cleared place.

Luo Bi understood it at a glance, pointed to a rock at the door of the living room and said, "Just use it as the door."

"Can this be counted?" Huang Xinling was picky and had too many things to do.

Talented people are like this. When you use her, she will be arrogant.

Luo Bi ignored her. Huang Xinling tiptoed and knocked the rock with a spoon, muttering. (End of this chapter)

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