Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5048 Visiting nearby planets

Wen Xiao leaned on the sofa, what else should he do? !

Zhu Su touched his chin, he only knew how to call the soul, he just learned it, he didn't know anything else.

Luo Bi couldn't stand it anymore, he couldn't even give up: "Can't you see he's tired? He just called the soul and took a nap, he'll be fine after a nap, he went outside and summoned the evil again."

This is treated as being possessed by evil spirits, if it's not possessed by evil spirits? Sorry, I don't know what to do? !

Xue Zhijiao was dumbfounded, it's already the middle of the afternoon, take a nap...

Is this still hunting or not? !

Xue Ying was extremely upset, what do you think this is? He got up and led the team away, and took a nap? He didn't have the time, let's wait until the evening! At worst, he will continue to call the souls.

Zhu Su picked up the ginseng grass and scattered jadeite stones on the table, got off the spaceship, and called Mou Xu and Huang Xinling to share: "There are no snacks left, let's share them equally. There are only two ginseng grasses. Those who don't want ginseng grass can ask for jadeite stones."

Luo Bi was listless. It was not fun to be lazy.

Bai Juan, Pei Yang, and Mou Xu ran onto the spaceship. Bai Juan said: "Luo Bi, let's go find the sand bull!"

"We can't call Lao Lao." Luo Bi thought and had an idea: "It's not dark yet. I still have a formation device. We might as well find a planet nearby to try out my formation device."

"Which formation device?" Pei Yang asked.

Luo Bi took out a small sandbag with beads on it: "This, I thought it was thrown, but it wasn't."

Bai Juan, Pei Yang, and Mou Xu knew about this formation device. Mou Xu threw it away, and it fell off when it hit the owl beast. It had no attack ability at all. Later, Bai Juan and Pei Yang picked it up.

Wen Xiao turned around and held out his hand: "Let me see."

Luo Bi walked over and handed it to Wen Xiao.

Wen Xiao took a string of crystals in his hand and studied it for a while. Wen Xiao couldn't figure out what it was, so he gave it back to Luo Bi. Wen Xiao took out his optical computer and opened it: "There are more than a dozen planets of different sizes nearby, all slightly smaller than the sand planet, with lush green plants. Which planet are you going to?!"

Luo Bi leaned over to look, and several children also came over.

Luo Bi asked: "Which planet has the best beast meat?"

Wen Xiao: "..."

Zhu Su: "..."

Zhu Su stared at the distribution of planets on the optical brain and said: "The beasts with good meat have high combat power, at least level 2 combat power. You want to eat meat, but we can't beat them. Wen Xiao and I, the guards who accompany the team, only have strong genes, but not high combat power."

"Let's go and try the array device!" Luo Bi shook the small sandbag and said indifferently: "I'm just going to have some free time. If the array device is useful, I'll kill the beasts. If it's not useful, I'll come back."

Luo Bi gave a reason and studied the sandbag, wondering: "Sandbags should be thrown away, why not?!"

Zhu Su understood after hearing it. He would go back in two days. The fighting team was idle anyway, so they wanted to pick a planet nearby to play with. After playing enough, they would go back to the Emperor Star with the chief instructor.

Wen Xiao said: "I don't care."

The fighting team was here to carry out the mission, and Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng had to make the decision.

Xue Zhijiao was worried about Xue Wei. Wu Cheng thought about the two calf beasts killed in the morning. They were too few in number. It would be better to go to nearby planets to have a look. He agreed immediately.

So a group of people gathered in front of the light brain to choose a planet.

There were more than a dozen nearby planets, big and small, and there were even farther ones. If they didn't consider it, they had to rush back to the sand planet before dark. Therefore, they could only choose the nearest planet and take a walk around and come back quickly. (End of this chapter)

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