Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5058 Neither will be good

Wen Xiao went to Huang Chao and said, "Let's go and try the array device."

Huang Chao nodded, "Go."

Wen Xiao told Huang Chao to prepare himself, lest their team provokes the Jieyu Pig, Huang Chao would be unprepared and unable to protect the gifted students away.

Wen Xiao came back and waved his hand, "Let's go, find a Jieyu Pig."

There are only a few calf beasts here, because it is close to the Sand Planet. The types of beasts on the Green Bamboo Planet are similar to those on the Sand Planet, but there are more Jieyu Pigs and birds on the Green Bamboo Planet.

Go west, and there will be Jieyu Pigs after a while, not far from Huang Chao.

It's not good to go too far, Green Bamboo Planet is not a mission planet, hunting teams can be seen everywhere, and since yesterday, they haven't seen a hunting team or mercenary group on Green Bamboo Planet.

You can't beat the beasts, how desperate you must be to come to Green Bamboo Planet to hunt.

Fifty meters away, several exotic beasts could be vaguely seen. Zhu Su and Tao Qin went to check and came back and said, "There are three Jieyu pigs over there, one of which is slightly farther away from the other two."

That is to say, this one can be hunted.

Zhu Su clicked his tongue and couldn't figure it out. It would be better to try to open the formation device and find an ordinary exotic beast at random. Why did he have to pick a beast with a combat power of level 5? I don't know what he was thinking.

After hearing this, Wen Xiao led the team to move forward again. With the guidance of Tao Qin, they finally saw the Jieyu pig.

Luo Bi also saw it, and then her beautiful eyes widened a little. My God, there are small flowers on the pig's ears. The imperial concubine pig grows on the head, and this pig grows on the ears.

It's ginger yellow, don't mention how handsome it is.

Luo Bi was speechless. What can she say about such a handsome pig? Turning around to find a rocky mountain, she likes to stand on a high place when hunting with a formation device. There are mountains on all planets. There is a small mountain nearby, and the terrain is not high.

Luo Bi pointed: "Let's go up."

Wen Xiao took the lead, followed by the others, and climbed up the rocky mountain.

Luo Bi found an open space with a good view, stood still and looked at Jieyu Pig 30 meters away. This distance was estimated to be OK, and there was no problem with attacking, but she was afraid that the array device could not be activated, and it would be difficult to run when running.

"How to arrange it?" Wen Xiao stood still and asked.

Every time the array device was activated, it had to be arranged, such as setting up the array.

Luo Bi did not answer. On the way, she had withdrawn the attack energy of the array plate. Now she fiddled with it and opened it again. The attack energy was formed, and Luo Bi held the array plate and faced the open space.

Luo Bi drew a frame for playing with sandbags, took out a small sandbag, threw it on the ground and said: "Okay, you can jump and walk the figure. Kick the sandbag from one end and kick it to the last figure, then you can kick the sandbag out and attack Jieyu Pig."

Zhu Su and the others did not move, and did not understand.

In the interstellar era, sandbags were not played at all. For the Thunder Flame Warrior, it was just a nice little thing. You told him to play with sandbags? Who can do it? No one can do it.

It's not difficult for those who can do it, but for those who can't, no one can understand it even if Luo Bi explains it.

It's hard to imagine.

What's more, this is not the same as playing with sandbags in the past, and interstellar humans can't play it even more.

"How do you jump the shape?!" Wu Cheng walked into the shape and kicked the small sandbag.

Luo Bi didn't stop him, maybe it was okay to do it by accident, so let Wu Cheng kick it. Wu Cheng didn't care about the shape, aimed at the Jieyu pig, and kicked the small sandbag out.

Sorry, the aim was very good, the small sandbag hit the Jieyu pig and fell to the ground. (End of this chapter)

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