Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5066 Delicious

Several birds and beasts came at once, envying the Jieyu Pig.

Bai Juan opened her mouth: "Oh my god!"

Mu Xu stood on tiptoe: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." Huang Chao held the sword: "Mobilize the supernatural power, wait for the birds and beasts to come and catch a few."

"Okay." The child agreed happily.

At the foot of the rocky mountain, Wen Xiao and Luo Bi were all excited to see a Jieyu Pig. They used the rocky mountain as their rear and killed the Jieyu Pig and ran out a mile.

It was impossible to go further, and they didn't dare to go deeper even with the crystals on the formation.

Near dusk, the energy of the formation was exhausted, and it exploded with a "bang".

Wen Xiao led the team to run back, and the birds and beasts were all dead, half-cooked, which saved them from killing them one by one. Half-cooked was also prey, and they were birds and beasts with supernatural powers.

"Load it on the spaceship." Wu Cheng arranged the work for Bai Juan and Mu Xu.

"Hey!" The child with a baby voice agreed so crisply.

Luo Bi's eyes lit up, and she looked over. Mu Xu ran to a bird and stretched out his little hand to grab the bird's leg and pulled it, making a sound of "ouch ouch" in his mouth, and was very confused.

Seeing that it was getting late, Wen Xiao said, "Pack up and prepare to go back to Shatu Star."

"How many Jieyu pigs did we kill?" Wu Cheng asked.

"I don't know."

"How many birds and beasts?" Bai Juan asked.

"I don't know."

Everyone was busy with their own things. The Thunder Flame Warriors had always been very cautious on Green Bamboo Star. They didn't dare to leave the Rock Mountain too far, fearing that they would encounter powerful beasts, which would cause them to be injured or even killed.

However, a low-grade formation device was powerful. It could kill birds and beasts, and the crystal stone could also blow up Jieyu pigs.

Then everyone was busy, excited, and dizzy, so they asked how many Jieyu pigs? How many birds and beasts? Who knows? Not to mention that they didn't count, they couldn't count them clearly even if they counted.

They were absent-minded and couldn't remember the number of prey.

Wen Xiao and Huang Chao were relatively knowledgeable, but Zhu Su and the others were not. How could ordinary children from aristocratic families have seen such a lethal array weapon? They were confused all day.

Zhu Qiqi and the others sorted out the wild vegetables and medicinal plants they dug, and Huang Xinling ran to the spaceship to look at the prey.

"Is the Jieyu pig delicious?" Huang Xinling pursed his lips.

Zhu Su didn't even think about it: "It's delicious. Jieyu pigs are not delicious. What kind of exotic beast is delicious?"

"You haven't eaten it." Zhu Qiqi shouted while holding a wild vegetable.

Zhu Su choked and turned to ask Luo Bi and Wu Cheng: "Can I eat one when I go back?"

Luo Bi and Wu Cheng both nodded: "Yes."

Damn, is it okay if you don't eat it? Absolutely not.

Zhu Su and Tao Yu immediately grinned. Zhu Qiqi carried the bag onto the spaceship, and Wang Haozhe carried two baskets. The pottery jar was even more powerful. He didn't like to show off, so he carried a big basket.

Luo Bi took a small basket, walked over, and put it on Tao Can's big basket.

Her hand sank, and Tao Can's little face turned red.

Huang Chao glanced at it: "······"

Wu Cheng was stunned, Tao Yan sighed, went over to take the big basket and carried it away. If it were in the past, Tao Can would definitely not be happy, she could do it, she was very strong, and didn't need help from others.

But just now she really couldn't carry it, and Tao Can didn't take it back.

Wen Xiao, Zhu Su, and Wu Cheng went to look for it again, and when they saw that there was no prey, they came back.

Lu Xianyu called Wu Cheng and asked, "Why haven't you come back yet?"

Wu Cheng said, "I'll go back right away."

After hanging up the call, Zhu Qiqi and others boarded the spaceship, and Wen Xiao and Huang Chao were the last.

The spaceship left Green Bamboo Star and returned to Sand Star a few minutes later.

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