Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5082: Not bad

The weather was still very hot, and the sand planet was too barren.

Luo Bi was carrying her basket of wild vegetables, and she was very rare. She said: "I can't bear to eat such good wild vegetables. I don't know if I can go back in the next two days. If I go back early, I won't eat them."

Xue Zhijiao said: "Wild vegetables can't be kept."

Bai Juan also said: "If they wilt, they won't taste good."

In any case, Luo Bi was rare. After thinking about it, she took the basket of wild vegetables back to the spaceship and put it in the living room of the spaceship, not mixing it with the materials collected in the material warehouse.

Putting down the wild vegetables, Luo Bi hesitated for a moment, and still actively went to find the chief instructor Lin Yanchong.

Wen Xiao and Zhu Su packed up the prey and used it as ingredients for dinner.

Wu Cheng was not very worried about Luo Bi going to talk to the chief instructor about hunting, but Luo Bi called a few children to leave, so Wu Cheng and Xue Zhijiao didn't stop her. Luo Bi was rarely so active, so she went if she wanted to.

It was still early at this time. Five o'clock in summer was not considered evening. It was sunny and hot.

The soldiers and guards harvested the prey, and there was not much left. They finished dividing it at night. Lin Yanchong and the financial officer had a rare leisure time. They sat at the table under the tree and talked with the head of the Lin family.

Ordinarily, we should return to the Imperial Star this afternoon.

No one asked to leave, not even Lin Yanchong.

A few children followed Luo Bi, running and laughing, making a lot of noise. The head of the Lin family drank tea, glanced at the terminal and said, "You're back so early."

I came back late yesterday and the harvest was gratifying.

Generally, the later you finish hunting, the greater the harvest.

Luo Bi saw the people sitting at the table from a distance, walked over leisurely, and observed the divided prey. Only a small part of the prey was not divided.

"Leading officer, head of the Lin family, financial officer." The child Bai Juan called people sweetly.

Mu Xu followed suit: "Leading officer, head of the Lin family, financial officer."

Luo Bi: "······"

Pei Yang glanced at Luo Bi, moved his little mouth, and simply kept silent.

Luo Bi couldn't learn to be so sweet-mouthed. If she had called people first, it would have been fine. Luo Bi wouldn't have fallen behind.

Fortunately, Lin Yanchong didn't care and asked, "How was the mission on Green Bamboo Star today?"

Luo Bi immediately said, "Not bad."

Lin Yanchong believed her lies and looked at her for a few times. Luo Bi and the children were relaxed. There was no excitement of a good harvest, nor the hardship of hunting.

Lin Yanchong couldn't figure it out, so he got up and planned to take a look himself. Yesterday, his student had been waiting for him to eat. If he hadn't eaten roasted Jieyu pork, he would have waited until he had dinner.

By then, the daylily would have been cold.

The financial officer He Tang also became more cautious. While drinking tea, he asked one more question: "Not bad, how much supplies?"

When the academy team went on a mission, regardless of prey or food, spiritual plants and medicinal plants were also counted. As long as it was valuable, it was counted as the harvest of the mission. The financial officer asked about the total harvest.

As she was talking, Lu Xianyu came over from another owl.

"Green Bamboo Star has great wild vegetables." Luo Bi saw it and waited for Lu Xianyu to come over. She continued her wild vegetables: "Unfortunately, we didn't have enough time. We didn't dig much. I couldn't bear to eat it."

The financial officer and the head of the Lin family were not interested in this and listened to a lot of nonsense.

When Lu Xianyu came over, the children called again, in a baby voice. Lu Xianyu said "um" and asked Luo Bi: "You came back from Green Bamboo Star very early. How was the harvest?"

Luo Bi didn't like to brag, so she replied: "Not bad." (End of this chapter)

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