Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5107 Eat first and talk later

He Tang sent the sergeant to call Bai Xun, and the head of the Lin family led the team to protect the prey.

The rain was falling heavily. Bai Xunfu took off the defensive cover and boarded the spacecraft. Xue Zhijiao also came to the spacecraft. Now everyone who could make the decision was gathered. Everyone moved to the living room of the spacecraft and sat down to discuss the collected supplies. .

Bai Juan came over to bring tea and water, and He Tang said: "Let's discuss it. Your fighting team has gained a lot today. After counting, I plan to transport the prey back to the Emperor Star overnight. Do your fighting team have any other plans?"

Lin Yanchong and Lu Xianyu only listened, and there was no problem that they would not participate.

Luo Bi had a habit of keeping silent and waiting for others to speak.

However, Xue Zhijiao said: "Yesterday's Jieyu pigs and green bamboo birds and beasts have been counted. Today's prey, if we speed up, we can only count the part on the Dou team's spaceship. The other prey cannot be counted in a while. Can transport some of the prey back."

As long as there is prey, who needs to worry about running back and forth?

After going back and forth several times throughout the night, the two lieutenant generals did not find it too troublesome.

He Tang brought a cup of hot tea and took a sip: "It's okay. It won't be a bother to go back to the Emperor Star. I'll take some inventory. I'll be back early tomorrow morning, so I can get some equipment and resources for your fighting team."

Keep talking and the matter will be settled.

Each team in the academy usually counts as many supplies as they collect. If the quantity is too large, it will be transported back to the Emperor Star. The financial officer of the Academy of Talents will count it and move it to the supplies warehouse.

This is a treatment only available to powerful academy teams. The previous Dou Zhan team was a poor class and did not have this treatment, but Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng are not ignorant people and know what to do.

Luo Bi didn't agree, so she stopped her and made other suggestions. She tilted her head and looked at Lu Xianyu and Bai Xun: "Don't your family want to buy Jieyu pigs? Jieyu pigs have been eaten, and the meat is not as good as other exotic animals." It can be compared, the nutritional energy has caught up with the purification beast, and everyone has a share, it is not as good as internal digestion of our mission. "

Bai Xun's eyes lit up, and He Tang was also quite moved.

Lu Xianyu wanted to fight for the interests of the family. Jieyu pigs were exotic beasts with level five combat power. Generally, they could not be hunted by hunting teams and mercenary groups. There was no shop like this after passing this village.

"Removing this part of the prey will harm the ranking." Lu Xianyu reminded Luo Bi.

Luo Bi didn't care about this: "Eat first and then talk."

Transporting back to the Emperor Star is just a matter of ranking. Now the supplies collected by the Dou Zhan Team are at least 500 million interstellar coins, which is quite a lot. If there is good pork, it is natural to eat it first.

The idea of ​​sharing the pork is so exciting.

If you don't care about ranking and keep the best pork for these families to digest, there will be no one unwilling to do it. Xue Zhijiao and Wu Cheng were also moved.

He called the head of the Lin family and Wen Xiao back, and they all discussed together and divided half of the day's harvest for everyone to digest. There was also a lot of prey for the other half, and He Tang transported it back to the Emperor Star overnight.

Admiral Xiao Chi was shocked by this half of the prey. He sent his adjutant to prepare a piece of equipment, a lot of resources, and several boxes of ingredients, and asked Finance Officer He Tang to take them back.

The Zhihuang Star Garrison Base also allocated more than twenty Jieyu pigs. General Qi Lan was puzzled and asked Wen Xiao what happened? Wen Xiao didn't tell him why, so General Qi Lan didn't ask.

Everyone who followed the Dou Sentai team took advantage of it, not to mention how good they felt.

That's right, they are all worried about ranking, and the head of the Lin family and the Lu family are always entangled.

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