Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5111: Can make people greedy to death

The Thunder Flame Warriors’ combat power is not improved, and hunting is difficult.

The hunting team and the mercenary group are all seeking wealth and danger when they go on missions. Every mission consumes a lot of equipment and resources, and there are casualties. The reason why the academy team can easily collect supplies is that they rely on the powerful array plates and array devices they have refined.

Even if it is a young Thunder Flame Warrior with primary combat power, holding a powerful offensive array plate or array device, the lethality will skyrocket.

Of course, it is not easy to refine such powerful array plates and array devices. Some talented contract masters rely on luck, and some rely on strength. As long as they are talented contract masters with decent talents, they generally have one or two things they have refined.

Hunting is difficult, and suddenly they enjoy happiness. The Thunder Flame Warriors are very surprised.

The financial officer’s adjutant followed Lieutenant General He Tang, and they were also well fed and well treated, but it was not like this time. They were busy and happy. Let alone the ingredients they ate, Jieyu pork, such rare pork.

Eating it every meal, it would make others greedy to death if they told others about it.

In the past, the Thunder Flame Warriors kept it to themselves, but this time, the Fighting Team was very low-key. They kept the rare prey to themselves. Okay, they will eat it for their own team, and definitely not give it to others at a discount.

"The conditions of the Talent Contract Master Academy are good." Tao Yu didn't understand why, and thought that all the teams in the academy had good food: "With this kind of treatment, no wonder they all want to awaken their talents."

Wen Xiao smiled and said, "Other teams can't eat Jieyu pork."

Tao Yu was stunned, and Zhu Su explained, "We are just lucky."

The rain was heavy, and the storm never stopped. This was even better. The aroma of pork was only tempting in the garrison. Most of the teams had finished collecting supplies when it rained, and some teams were soaked.

The rocky mountain couldn't hold rainwater, but the rain was too heavy, and the ground of the garrison was full of flowing water, rushing down the river, washing the rocks, plants, flowers and grass clean.

The children laughed happily, running in the rain, holding a piece of meat with bones in their hands to eat. The fragrance of the winged rabbit mixed with the spicy taste of red peppers, not to mention how delicious it was.

"Are all the ingredients ready?" Luo Bi asked the financial officer's adjutant.

The financial officer's adjutant scooped the ingredients into a plate: "It's ready, it's ready to eat."

Luo Bi poked the communication and said with a smile: "I'll ask the chief instructor if he will come back to eat."

While eating and drinking on Shatu Star, Lin Yanchong was almost soaked to the skin with a team of elite soldiers on Green Bamboo Star. Since Luo Bi led the team away, there was a strong wind that day and the raindrops were pouring down.

Even if it rains, the prey must be moved. The fighting team killed all the prey. It would be unreasonable if they couldn't move the prey well.

Lin Yanchong wiped the rain off his face and picked up the communicator. Luo Bi asked, "Master, we have prepared the ingredients, and they are all delicious. Can you and the head of the Lin family come back?"

Lin Yanchong said, "We haven't moved all the prey yet."

Luo Bi didn't care, "We'll eat first."

When they were about to hang up the communication, Luo Bi asked again, "Is it raining heavily?"

Lin Yanchong thought Luo Bi cared about everyone, and replied, "Heavy rain."

Luo Bi smiled, gloating over the misfortune. Let it rain, anyway, it won't get her wet.

Lin Yanchong hung up the communication and personally moved the prey with the sergeants and guards. The rain seemed to be coming for them. When Luo Bi was there, it was raining gently, but as soon as the fighting team left, it poured down on their heads.

The Thunder Flame Warriors on Green Bamboo Star were so depressed! It turned out that it was just to get them wet!

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