Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5116: The Fighting Team has a lot of good stuff hidden away

The sergeants and guards killed the Concubine Pigs with sparkling eyes. They were so happy to find a prey.

This area had been bombed by Luo Bi and his men once. Most of the Concubine Pigs nearby were killed. The financial officer and his men didn't know about it, and they didn't think too much of the small sandbags, so the battlefield was still opened in this area.

So, it was a good thing that it was raining, otherwise, it would be difficult to find pigs.

Hunting in the rain in the mountains and forests here, everyone was very energetic.

On the spaceship, the financial officer and Lin Yanchong quickly commanded the sergeants to move the prey. On the new battlefield, the financial officer and Lin Yanchong found something wrong. There were pheasants and winged rabbits.

Lin Yanchong: "······"

Financial officer He Tang: "······"

So, the fighting team still has a lot of good things.

The last two times they only saw green bamboo birds and Jieyu pigs, and didn't pick up a single pheasant or winged rabbit. To be honest, it can't be said that there was no harvest. In such a large battlefield, picking up one or half an animal does not count as a small animal.

Picking up one or half an animal does not count.

The financial officer fooled Lin Yanchong into commanding in front of the spaceship. He personally brought a few trusted guards to pick up pheasants and winged rabbits. Wow, there were dozens of them.

With the pheasants, He Tang immediately thought of mushrooms.

He Tang stepped out of the bombed battlefield, and the trusted guards didn't stop him. He followed him to look for mushrooms. The raindrops as big as beans fell down, blocking the view, but it didn't affect the enthusiasm of the Thunder Flame Warriors to find mushrooms.

The guards were reluctant to put the small animals into the storage rings. They held them in their hands and hung them on their bodies. Thinking of the good meals of the fighting team, they swallowed.

"We'll also stew chicken with mushrooms when we get back."

"And spicy rabbit wings."

"Find more mushrooms. Those kids can't eat one bowl of them."

The burly Thunder Flame warrior wiped the communicator, glanced at it and said, "It's not dark yet."

Before it gets dark, there's time to find more mushrooms. The Thunder Flame warriors' eyes widened immediately. No matter what kind of mushrooms, as long as they are edible, they will pick them with rain.

While looking for mushrooms here, they met the team that was killing Jieyu pigs.

Financial officer He Tang simply led the team to join the hunt and kill Jieyu pigs together. The remaining people carried the killed Jieyu pigs back. There was a shortage of manpower here, and Lin Yanchong's side was also short of manpower.

They were so busy, and Luo Bi was still at the station on Saturn Star, looking at the heavy rain and thinking about eating.

It was raining and climbing forks. Luo Bi called Lin Yanchong. She also knew that thinking about eating at this time would be a nuisance, so she was not confident enough and spoke tentatively.

Luo Bi whispered, "Master, has the Green Bamboo Star found any climbing branches in the rain?"

Lin Yanchong was busy, how could he know: "······"

Luo Bi immediately added, "If there are any climbing branches, I will lead the team to find them."

Wow, Lin Yanchong was shocked. Who gave her the courage? The alien beasts distributed on the Green Bamboo Star are all of high combat power level. The Thunder Flame Warriors dare not go deep easily, but she wants to take advantage of the rain to find climbing branches.

Do you have combat power? You are always thinking about it.

Lin Yanchong was suppressed by this complaint and said, "I don't know. I don't have time to pay attention to these small ingredients."

Luo Bi had to give up. Lin Yanchong thought about it, said hello to the sergeant who moved the prey, picked up the climbing branches if he found them, and told Lu Li and the financial officer.

In this way, the Thunder Flame Warriors became even busier. (End of this chapter)

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