Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 5119 It would be better not to send Wu Cheng to Green Bamboo Star

The children giggled, and the others felt inexplicably good.

Luo Bi was like a child at first, happy because of the rich ingredients for dinner. Seeing that the sky was getting darker and darker, Luo Bi felt that something was wrong, and none of them came back.

Is the Green Bamboo Star far away? It's not far, just a few minutes away.

Luo Bi hissed, thought and wondered, and simply called Wu Cheng: "Why haven't you come back yet?"

Wu Cheng wiped the rain off his face in the rain: "I'll be back soon."

Luo Bi hung up the communication and waited for a while. The sky became darker.

Luo Bi: "······"

Unable to calm down, Luo Bi dialed the message again: "You're not back yet? What are you doing?"

Wu Cheng was so excited that the sergeant brought back a lot of Jieyu pigs: "There are still crystal stones that have not been blown up. The financial officer has led a team to kill the Jieyu pigs. The prey has been brought back. Go back immediately."

After hanging up the call, Luo Bi continued to wait, but she still didn't come back.

At this time, Luo Bi came to her senses. She sent Wu Cheng to bring an array device, which gave the hunting team confidence. They could have come back early, but they didn't come back because they had the array device.

There was no need to worry about attacks from alien beasts, the Thunder Flame Warriors simply pulled back everyone they could.

Luo Bi was so angry that it would be better not to send Wu Cheng to Green Bamboo Star.

Is what she refines reliable? It's unreliable, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't work.

If this happened all at once, I would be scared to death.

Luo Bi looked for Lu Xianyu anxiously, but Lu Xianyu didn't care: "It's okay, maybe there are still prey that haven't been loaded onto the spaceship. The financial officer and the head of the Lin family have brought powerful equipment, so don't worry."

Luo Bi almost took out her mouthful of saliva. She was short-tempered and couldn't keep her temper. Then she thought about it. The financial officer and the head of the Lin family still have good judgment when hunting on undeveloped planets. If there is danger, how can it be used? Worry about her.

Thinking of this, Luo Bi was suddenly startled. Oh my God, she can't worry blindly. Time-traveling women have a problem. They care about everything. She seems to be capable, but she is afraid that others will not know how good she is.

Although she was reincarnated into the interstellar world with her memories, she could still be considered a time traveler, so she couldn't have this problem.

Love her as much as she likes, it’s none of her business.

With this thought, Luo Bi returned to Rock Mountain.

After going up to the rocky mountain, Luo Bi was still worried and dialed Lin Yanchong.

Lin Yanchong picked it up, and Luo Bi told him: "There is something wrong with the thing I refined. It works sometimes and sometimes not. If you don't come back, you will be dumbfounded when you encounter strange beasts and the little sandbag stops working."

Lin Yanchong: "······"

Luo Bi didn't mean to joke, Lin Yanchong told the financial officer.

The financial officer didn't care. He was going crazy at this moment and just said: "I know."

On the Sand Saturn side, as it got dark, the hunting teams went to the nearby rocky mountains to station one after another. Some college teams with ulterior motives went to the rocky mountains where the fighting teams were stationed.

In addition to these purposeful ones, Lan Ji and Xue Zhi can only lead the team here. There is no other way. Xue Zhi has not recovered from the evil spirit. He is crying and laughing at times. He is about to collapse. Why don't you come and camp next to the fighting team? ? !

If it doesn't work, Lan Ji is convinced.

Wu Zhan joined in the fun and came to station here.

After going up to the rocky mountain, Leiyan warriors set up tents and Lanji made arrangements to find Xue Zhi.

Xue Zhi's team was setting up a tent. Xue Zhi put his forehead on his head and closed his eyes. Lan Ji sighed beside him: "I didn't know before that being possessed by an evil spirit could be so evil."

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